Oh boy..🔥

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Hey-o~! Requested!! Thanks again ThatsVeryScandalous


Ever since Evan and Connor started dating he had a very... dominant front he wore. Not that Evan was opposed to it, it was actually really hot.

They had a safe word of course, so everything was ok!

However, sometimes Evan wanted to get punished, pushed to his limit.

Hell it was such a turn on!

"F-Fern- Connor..." He moaned, slowly palming his soaked boxers.

The older boy was at his night class and it usually ran until 6pm, but Evan needed him now.

His mom had left a few hours ago stating she wouldn't be home until noon tomorrow. Evan learned to live with it, plus is gave him more time alone with Connor.

Small whimpers fell from Evan's lips as he pulled down his boxers, shivering at the chilled air.

"C-Con- fern so good.. so good..."

The digital clock on his left read 5:53 in bright red letters, taunting him.

Only 20 more minutes to go.

He could finish and make himself presentable before Connor got home right?

Yeah he'll be fine!

Holding himself just a bit tighter, he moved his wrist faster, choking out Connor's name desperately.

"Well.. guess it's time for a change of plan hmm?"

Stopping abruptly, Evan snapped his gaze to Connor's hard eyes. Sharp and calculated, watching his every move.

"B-but you- it's not-"

"So you were trying to finish before I got home? That just makes your punishment worse."

Hurriedly, Evan stumbled to his feet.

Connor hummed, shrugging off his backpack and jacket, followed shorty by his pants.

"Get on the bed. On your stomach. Can you do that for me?"

Evan nodded, knowing all to well that speaking would only prolong the inevitable.

"Hmm you're mine Ev, all mine. Now stay still ok?"

Another nod.

The taller boy grabbed some silk ropes and tied Evan's wrists behind his back.

"If you make any sound we'll start over ok?"


Connor reached over to grab the lube, pouring some onto his fingers.

Even if this was punishment he'd never hurt the boy, at least without consent because UNCONSCIOUS PEOPLE DON'T WANT TEA!

The smaller boy squeaked as Connor started to stretch him open. He hid his moans well, but Connor didn't want it to be that easy.

"Open your mouth."

Evan immediately obeyed, looking up at the taller boy with want.


The taller boy quickly cut him off, shoving a ring gag behind his teeth.

"There, you look so pretty with your mouth stretched open. Good luck staying quiet."

The next few minutes Connor spent stretching Evan. The smaller boy didn't make a sound but was breathing heavily into the sheets under him.

"Are you ready for something more Ev?"

The boy simply nodded, shaking. Connor was impressed he hasn't broken yet, but he knew he was suffering by the hitches in his breathing and the quivering twitches.

Taking a deep breath, Connor reached over and poured more lube onto his hand.

"Not. A. Word. You know your safe word yeah?"

Evan nodded, snapping his fingers.

"Good- yeah good good, stay still for me ok?" Connor asked softly, gripping his hips.

He nodded again, pushing his hips back. The pale boy chuckled and reached down to grab Evan's hair tightly.

A strangled gasp escaped his lips, edging Connor even more.

With his free hand, the pale boy reached down to line himself up with Evan's hole.

Brows furrowed in concentration, Connor pushed inside of the smaller boy, pulling his hair back. Evan's back arched deeply, granting his dom deeper access inside him.

"Shit you feel so good, so good for me.." He moaned, gripping Evan's waist to hold him still.

Evan, struggling to stay quiet, tried to push back against the older boy.

"None of that now, stay still. If you cum before I do- I'll have to punish you again, do you understand?"

Evan shakely nodded his head, closing his eyes in pleasure as Connor started to roll his hips.

Heavy pants left his mouth, dripping with saliva. It all felt so good.

"Do you want me to keep going Ev? Tell me what you want... You may speak."

"Hlease- hlease ore-"

The grip on Evan's hair vanished and was replaced on his upper back, pushing him into the bed. The other hand was gripping his waist tightly as Connor pulled out quickly, and thrusted in again.

"Onnor!" Evan gasped, pleasure filling his insides.

"Fuck you feel amazing- Ev!"

The taller boy kept a fast pace, reaching under Evan to stroke him in time with his thrusts.

Moans fell freely from his forced open lips, not able to stop it. The pleasure was so intense it was melting him alive.

Tears started to leak from Evan's eyes as Connor leaned over to kiss and suck the back of his neck.

"So good- so good Ev-" Connor's voice was deep, scratchy almost, and doing amazing things to Evan.

He kept moaning, louder and louder until he felt Connor's hand grip his base tightly.

Shaking violently, Evan whimpered, glancing back at the older boy with want and need.

"You look so beautiful, but you're still not allowed to cum before me."

Groaning in annoyance, Evan buried his head into the sheets, and clenched his hole.

"Fuck!" Connor yelped, moaning loudly at the squeeze.

A few more hard thrusts and Connor came deep inside of Evan, with a growl.
Not a second later the bound boy came too, having held off his orgasm for far to long.

Taking a few deep breaths, Connor pulled out and began to untie Evan.

Just as he was getting to the gag, Evan whimpered.

"Are you ok?"

He received a shakey nod in response, followed by a small moan.

Acting quickly, Connor reached behind Evan's head and released the gag.

As soon as the ring left, Evan jumped onto Connor, kissing him passionately.

He kissed back whole heartedly, gently massaging his thigh's.


"S-So good- that was amazing. I just wish I could have touched you too."

Connor hummed, kissing down his boyfriends neck.



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