Wet promises 🤍

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Okay guys seriously send in requests

I'm scared I'm running out of ideas, so please- and also comment! I absolutely love reading your guys reactions

But bottom line I literally will do anything- if you guys hadn't gained that from some other chapters I've posted

Also I won't be posting for awhile, my own ideas I mean.
If you guys have something in mind COMMENT!


Connor had the best date planned for Evan.

Best best BEST date and he would be dammed if anyone tried to ruin it.

"Evan.. Evan baby it's time to get up love." He whispered, gently kissing the smaller boys neck.

He groined and rolled over, swatting at Connor's face.

"G' way.."

Rolling his eyes, Connor ripped the blankets off of his boyfriend.

The small boy yelped and curled into a tight ball, shivering.

"It's cold Connor jesus!"

Shrugging off his jacket, he wrapped it around Evan's shoulders.

"There you go you big baby. Now get dressed, we have a date."

A wave of his hand and Connor was out the door, returning to the half cooked breakfast.

"I swear the boy sleeps like a bear. Should be going into hibernation soon."

Connor laughed at his own joke, shaking his head. His little bear huh?

"Hmm smells good.." Evan mumbled, sleepily falling into Connor's back. Arms wrapped around the taller boys waist loosely.

"You haven't had your tea yet no wonder you're so sleepy. Come sit."

Evan nodded and let Connor guide him to a kitchen island stool.

"You eat your breakfast handsome and I'll go get the car ready yeah?"

He got a hum in reply and went to ready the car.


"Ok so where.. Where are we going?" Evan asked, pulling at the ends of his pale pink sweater.

"I told you it's a surprise!"

"But we've been driving for ever!"

"It's been like- 20 minutes at best."

With a huff Evan crossed his arms, tilted his head up, and looked away dramatically.

"Oh come on you baby, it's a date- can't I keep it a surprise?"

Evan glanced over and giggled to himself, shaking his head.

"At least tell me how much longer we'll be stuck in the car?"

Connor smiled, reaching over to lace their fingers together. The contrast of pale and tan were impressive.

"A few more minutes."

"You need to go outside more."

"And you need to- wait are you wearing my jeans?"

Evan blushed as he played with the taller man's fingers.

"Yeah... They're comfy.."

"And like- five sizes too big for you, did you at least roll the ends?"

The blond boy nodded.

"I got that whole Bi-Vibe going!"

Connor chuckled at his boyfriend, he was such a goof.

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