Dark Marks 🤍

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Just putting this out there!

I still have a few ideas for this book but I'm honestly running low, as soon as I hit 30 chapters I'm going to take a break, only like- three weeks or something so don't worry.

I want to focus some on my other books!
Until I come back y'all can litter these chapters with requests.


Evan despised his mark. It was large, whoever his soulmate was had huge hands.

Not only did it stretch across his upper chest, but it peaked up past his shirt collar. This is the biggest reason Evan wore a tight turtle neck under his striped polo. Two hands.

He hated attention, sadly Jared did, and has dragged him into the middle of things for years.

"Oh come on Evan you have got to be overheating, it's over fucking 80 today!"

"N-No Jared, it's not that hot, plus t-the fabric reflects the sunlight and-"

"Ok ok, don't go all nerd on me. Oh! Tell my parents we hung out ok?" Jared finger gunned and twirled on his heel.

His mark was on his hand, much more normal than Evan's.

It was small too, just on the inside of his fingers.

Lucky bastard.

"Hey! Like the new hair! Very 'school shooter'."

Jared shut the fuck up.

Hurriedly, Evan walked up to Jared and... Connor!

"H-He didn't- I mean, he joked! A joke that's all this is! I-I'm so sorry!"

His didn't look ok at all. The boys eyes were bloodshot, and he was wearing a bland expression.

"No. No it's funny. Am I not laughing hard enough for you?" He took a threatening step forward, squaring his shoulders.

Evan's face fell, replaced by sheer terror. He was huge.


"Hmm? What was that? Are you laughing? Do you think I'm the fucking freak?!"


Evan paled further, shaking as Connor advanced on him.


"You're the freak!"

Jared had run off at some point, coward to save his own skin.

Connor growled, pushing Evan harshly into the lockers. He cried out as his back scratched across the lockers, and landed on his bad arm. That earned a sharp scream of pain.

Chancing a glance up, Evan saw immediate regret, and sadness swirling in his marbled eyes.

"F-Fuck I- shit no no nonono-!" Connor gasped, glancing at his bright blue hands.

"No..." He cried, bolting from the school.


Stumbling to his feet, Evan started after the boy.

He was fast, given his longer legs and large head start.

"Curse small legs!"

By the time he made it outside, Connor was jumping into his car.

"No no no- Connor wait please!" Evan yelled, gaining the attention from others.

Usually he'd shut up immediately and walk back inside, but his damn soulmate was running from him! The warmth he felt when they touched was magical, and Evan could still feel it tingling slightly.

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