Magic 🤍

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Art = MINE


"I don't know why this is so hard to believe Connor! I gave you proof!"

Evan was frustrated, Connor was being whiny and that was just the cherry on top of this horrible week.

"Yes it is! We've been dating for what? Almost a year? I'm finding out about this now! Why didn't you tell me sooner?!"

"I was scared that'd you reject or hate me Connor! I was scared of your reaction!"

"I wouldn't be reacting this way if you told me sooner!"

"I wanted to be sure I could trust you with this!"

"Oh yeah what's that suppose to mean?!" Connor yelled, backing Evan up until his back hit the wall.

The smaller boys eye's widened, but he wasn't scared. For he knew Connor would never hurt him.

...unless he asked for it.

"I-I thought you'd leave.." Evan's voice cracked, as tears started pouring down his cheeks.

Connor's eyes softened as he gazed into his boyfriends eyes.

"Baby I'd never leave you, I'm sorry I got upset.."

"I-I so s-sorry I didn't tell you- I-I had this while plan! W-When you'd come home I'd j-just be using it casually a-and-"

Connor shut him up by kissing him softly. When he pulled away Evan followed, whining sadly.

"Either way would have been great, I'm sorry I got upset."

"Haha, you already said that."

"And I didn't mean it any less."

Evan smiled brightly, jumping up into Connor's arms. The two boys smiled as they walked to Evan's bed and fell onto it.

" wouldn't be opposed to showing me some things right?"

Evan giggled, shuffling in Connor's grasp until he was on top of the other boy.

"What do you wanna see first?"

"Well as comfortable as this is, I am hungry and have been craving chips. Could you?"

Evan smiled and nodded, reaching into this pocket to reveal..

A wooden stick?

"What's that suppose to be?"

Evan looked at him in shock.

"Haven't you ever read Harry Potter? Or watched the movies?"

Evan stared at him dumbfounded.

"Ok, change of plans." He mumbled, waving his wand quickly. Connor found himself and Evan being lifted off the bed and onto the floor.

"Wow wow that was fucking awesome!"

"We're having a movie marathon tonight and if I see you dozing off at all then I'll smack you, got it?"

"Y-Yes sir." Connor mumbled, the treat clearly getting through.

"Good, now be a good boyfriend and get some blankets from the closet."

Connor watched as Evan stomped away.

"Where are you going?"


"Ok.. Blankets, right. Blankets." Connor mumbled, jumping over to the closet hallway and grabbing them all.

By the time he managed to lay them all out nicely Evan came in with two bowls of popcorn, and three bags of chips. All floating behind him.

"Holy shit that's so cool." Connor mumbled, taking a seat cautiously.

"I hope that's not how you'll act around me now.." Evan whimpered, clutching the edges of his shirt.

"Oh, oh no baby I'm sorry, you're just so fucking awesome. I'm just trying to take it in!" Connor exclaimed, taking Evan's face in his hands.

"If anything's changed it's probably how much more I fucking love you."

Evan giggled, turning his face to plant a kiss on one of his palms.

"God keep doing that and I'll explode with my love for you."

"Oh you cheesy horny bastard, I love you too."

"Hmm horny yes, and I can't help but feel that-" Evan put a finger to his lips.

"Stop right there Murphy, the only fun thing we'll be doing tonight is watch Harry Potter and eating snacks."

".. you're a snack..." Connor mumbled as Evan pulled away.

"What was that?"

"N-Nothing!" Connor jumped, face bright red.

"Good, now sit down and make yourself comfortable. There'll be a quiz on this later."


"Who was Dumboldore?"

"The headmaster."

"How did Dobby die?"

"Umm, that dark chick."

Evan glared at Connor, raising a brow.

"I-I don't umm.. What was her name?" Evan glared and crossed his arms.

"That's the third one you've gotten wrong Connor."

"W-What does that mean? No more chips for three hours or-?"

"It means no more kisses for three hours."

Connor's heart broke.

"W-What?" He whimpered, eyes widening.

"Oh you'll be fine."

"Not when you're sitting right next to me!" Connor complained loudly, hugging Evan tightly to his chest.

"Please I'll do anything Evan, I-" Connors body was lifted off the couch and into the air suddenly with a flick of Evan's wand.

"Evan baby-"

"Oh poor Connor, is someone stuck?"

"Yes! I'm cold now to.. but fuckkk this is so fucking cool!"

Evan stopped and jumped to his feet, crossing is arms. He raised an amused eyebrow at his giggling boyfriend.

"Join me?"

Evan rolled his eyes playfully, but none the less jumping into the air to join his needy boyfriend.

"You're amazing you know that right?"

Evan smiled and grabbed Connor's jacket, pulling him closer.

"I am aren't I?"

"Hmm that's what I said didn't I?"

Evan gently pressed their foreheads together, locking eyes.

"You're so beautiful Connor.."

The taller boy signed happily, gently reaching up to stroke Evan's cheek.

"As are you Ev.. So fucking beautiful." Connor leaned forward to connect their lips, but was stopped when Evan placed a hand over his mouth.

"Three hours baby, I believe in you."

Needless to say Connor wouldn't stop whining until Evan finally gave in, 10 minutes later.

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