Suicide Bros 🤍‼️

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Warning, if you happen to like.. shit I can't think of the words to say but please be careful as you read it's deep and a really depressing short.


Evan's POV

The school hallways were quiet, they always were during classes. Figures.

Jared had dragged Evan from class earlier because he needed help carrying a project he made for English.

"I don't understand why you made it so big, wasn't this suppose to be a simple project?"

Jared rolled his eyes, barking out a laugh.

"Yeah, but the bigger the better, isn't that right Evan?" Jared teased, and proceeded to moan out profanities.

"Ok ok Jared I get it! Stop that or a teacher might come!" Evan's breathing quickened slowly until they reached Jared's locker.

"Set it down here." He instructed, Evan followed suit.

"Please stop hyperventilating."

"I'm not hyperventilating."

"You're having a considerable hard time doing so."

"No, no Jared let's just get your things and get back to class ok?" Jared looked at Evan perplexed.

"Ok now what Jared because you only stare at me wh-"

"You're different. Not the, 'Oh, I'm Evan Hansen and I don't have any friends' different. Ever since you broke your arm you've been more closed off. Is it because the school shooter pushed you because you were laughing at my joke?"

"I-I wasn't- I didn't-"

"Yeah yeah sure whatever, all the stuttering won't get you anywhere just saying, maybe that's why you have no friends? Did you ever stop to think that maybe, just maybe, everything you do is futile?"

Evan bit back a sob, and took a step away from his fri- family fr- Jared.

"Look I got everything, grab that end again ok- Evan? Dude where are you going?!"

The tree obsessed boy sprinted from the school, he didn't know exactly where he was headed, just away from Jared, responsibilities, his life.

Evan silently promised himself that he'd kill himself correctly this time. Find the biggest tree, climb as far up as he could go and never look back, or in this case, down.

By the time Evan made it to the Orchard, the sun was still high in the sky. Taking deep, stuttering breathes, Evan took a pit stop and leaned against one of the trees.

"So close.." He mumbled.

"So close to what?" An all too familiar voice asked. Evan yelped and jumped back from the tree. Connor poked his head out from behind it. Wood chips tangled in his brown locks.

"You.." He mumbled slowly, blinking away the sleep from his eyes. "What are you doing here?"

"Killing myself." Evan stated before he could stop himself. Connor chuckled.

"Why are you laughing?" Evan asked, taking a seat next to Connor after he got a wave of approval.

"It's just funny that we're both here for the same thing."


Connor looked over to Evan as he pulled on his shirt.

"How are you planning on going out?" Evan looked over incredulous.

"You're not going to stop me?"

Connor smiled sadly and shook his head.

"Only if you don't stop me." Evan considered the words, too far off in his mind to really be making decisions.

"I was going to jump out of a taller tree.. again. What about you?"

Connor held up a half empty bottle of painkillers.

"They're Larry's, my dad. Took half of these just before you got here. These almost guarantee sleep for forever." Connor explained, looking at the sky.

"Can I?"

Connor didn't say anything, but handed over the bottle to Evan. After fumbling around for a few seconds, he popped open the bottle and drowned the rest of the pills.

"So now what? We just wait and-?" Connor put his finger to Evan's lips.

"We talk about stuff." Evan nodded.

"What pushed you over the edge?"

"Larry had called me some things and Zoe told me she'd be better off without a mistake like me.. I just couldn't take it any more, and being denied the help I needed just hurt me more since everyone thought I was doing it for attention. I'm sorry for pushing you the other day by the way.."

Evan pulled Connor to his side and hugged him.

"I-I love trees, I know a lot about them so I figured why not kill myself using one of the things I cherish so much?"

Connor looked down at Evan as he cuddled into his side.

"That's so fucking adorable, and may I say as we're both about to die that I've really always loved you." Evan hummed, nodding into Connors neck.

"I use to tell people that I was in love with your sister because I was so afraid of being outed. And I love you too Connor."

Both boys turned to each other, eyes slowly drooping from the painkillers and gently kissed one another.

"If there is anything after this, our deaths.. will you be my boyfriend?"

Connor nodded, smiling against Evans lips.

"I'd be honored."


It took almost seven hours for the boys to be found, seeing as they were pretty hidden from the world.

Evan was pulled into Connors lap, arms hung around his shoulder.
The older boys were around his waist, and their lips were lightly pressed against each other. Both had small smiles on their faces and dried tears down their faces.

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