Fluffy.. 🤍

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Connor fell asleep. No, Connor passed out after he finished his Thanksgiving Dinner. He drove all the way to Evan's house and passed out on his lap.

Of course he didn't mind, it was Connor and he loved the taller boy with all his heart.

"God why do you have to be so pretty?" Evan whispered, leaning down to kiss Connors cheek. He smiled and rolled over, wrapping his arms around the smaller's waist and buried his face in Evans shirt. The tree boy giggled and started to run his fingers through his coffee colored hair.

"Soft.." Evan mumbled, untangling stubborn knots.

"Hey sweetie! Classes got cancelled and oh- Oh I didn't realize Connor was staying over."

"S-Sorry mom, my phones in my back pocket and-and he showed up unannounced and passed out on my lap, and I didn't want to move or wake him so.."

"It's fine sweetheart, do his parents know he's here?"

"Most likely." Evan hated lying to his mum but he didn't want her to worry.

"There's some snacks in the pantry when he wakes up, I'll be upstairs ok sweetheart?"

Evan nodded and watched his mom retreat upstairs. He suddenly got an idea.

"Hey mom? Could you bring down some hair ties?"


Evan was mindlessly scrolling through his phone he managed to wiggle out from his pocket when Connor started to stir.

"...Hmm... Evan?" He moaned, moving to sit up. He slowly opened his eyes to find himself face to face with Evan.

"H-Hi.." Evan blushed at the close proximity. When Evan had finished messing with his hair Connor moved and crawled on top of Evan, efficiency straddling him.

"W-What happened?" Evan giggled, reaching up to stroke his boyfriends cheek.

"You drove over here, complained about eating too much turkey, and.. haha, passed out on my lap." Evan started full on laughing his acorn off.

Connor, still not fully awake, giggled along and pressed a kiss to Evans neck.

"Your so beautiful like this baby.."

"I think your still a little tired love. Come on get up, my legs went numb hours ago and I'm thirsty." Evan grumbled, pulling him and Connor up off the couch.

"Oh baby your so strooong."

"Ok let's get some caffeine into you!" Evan sniggered, blush reaching to his ears. Quickly he made Connor some coffee with an extra shot of caffeine and handed it to him.

"Drink this, it'll help you wake up." Connor nodded and took it without a second thought.

Evan smiled and turned towards the fridge.

"Would you like anything to eat? Mum said we have some snacks and- hmm." Evan moaned, a dreamy smile crossing his face. Connor had wrapped his arms around Evans waist and started kissing along his neck.

"Haha babe please that tickles!" Evan laughed, trying to wiggle his way free. Connor smiled and continued to kiss along his nape, running a hand down his side. Evan streaked in started to wiggle more aggressively.

"I always forget how ticklish you are love." Connor whispered, tickling more aggressively.

"B-Baby please! Hahaha-ah! Ahh no Connor, stoahahapp!"

Connor didn't stop, with the new found caffeine running through his system he was still a little fuzzy around the edges. But Evan was just so beautiful. The edges of his shirt had been pulled up over his stomach as the two fell to the floor.

"What's goin- Oh isn't this just precious?" Heidi giggled as she walked into the kitchen.

Connor froze and looked up, letting Evan sit up, flustered, and looked up dreamily at Connor.

"You're amazing.."

"Evan.. Your mom's here love."

"My mom-" Evan turned towards the door, eyes wide.

"M-Mom hi I'm sorry I-I didn't hear you come in and-"

"Sweetheart it's ok! I'm glad you boys are having fun, just make sure to go to bed at a good time ok?"

"What time is it Ms. Hansen?"

"Oh please Connor, call me Heidi, and it is almost 11." She turned to leave but poked her head back inside.

"Your hair looks lovely Connor, just thought you should know." And she was gone.

"My hair?" Evan giggled under the taller boy, reaching up to tuck a loose strand behind his ear.

"You do look lovely."

"Oh baby what did you do to my hair?"

"You know~" Evan whispered, leaning up to whisper in Connor's ear.

"Testing my skills."

Connors eyes widened and he pulled away from the other boy.

"Holy shit." He leaned forward and kissed Evan. The smaller boy smiled and kissed back, wrapping his arms around Connor's neck.

"Hmm wait a second I want to see your masterpiece."

Evan giggled, and pulled back to see his handiwork.

"It's a little fuzzy after all.. all that, but it still looks ok!" Evan grabbed his phone and snapped a picture.

 all that, but it still looks ok!" Evan grabbed his phone and snapped a picture

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"Holy shit you need to do my hair all the time babe. I look hot!"

Evan giggled, "You always look hot."

Connor smiled and jumped to his feet, picking up Evan on the way.

"W-Wow where are we- uh?"

"I want to cuddle you and tell you how fucking amazing you are."

"Oh like you don't do that all the time?"

"Well get ready, because it's going to get all lovey dovey tonight."

The two smiled and leaned in for kiss.

"You're amazing.. and I'm so happy we got to become this together." Connor whispered, leaning his forehead against Evan's.

"Oh you sap, now shut up and take me to bed."

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