Cuddles 🤍

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It was pretty late, if you're one of those people that call 10PM late. Most highschoolers don't. That wasn't the problem however. No one cares what time it is when they're in highschool.

No, Connor fucking Murphy had climbed the old tree by Evan's window, he was now clinging onto the frame to not fall and surely bruise something.
Connor groined and tried to pull himself up only to loose his grip and fall from Evan's window. The boy heard a yelp of pain and rushed to the window, eyes widening at Connor's form lying on the ground.

"Jesus Connor!" Evan exclaimed, running outside to help the other boy. When he reached him, he had moved to sit against the wall. Speeding up Evan crouched by Connor, taking in his condition.

"Nothing should be broken, it wasn't that high of a fall. I'll be suprised if you didn't bruise or sprain your wrist. Now come on, let's get you inside." The two boys stumbeled inside, and into the kitchen.

"Sit on the tabel please?" Connor complied without a second thought. Last time he refused Evan's command, he got super anxious and started talking nonsense, then demanded he did as he was told. Connor never wants that to happen again unless it's... Under different circumstances.

"You ripped your pants and there is some blood, your left wrist however.." Evan took the limp limb gently and started poking it in different areas. "Definity sprained, does it hurt when I do this-"

"Oww ow ow yes yes it does hurt." Connor moaned. Evan, worridly, cupped Connor's cheek and tilted his head up to gaze at him.

"It's ok Con, let me wrap your wrist then we can clean your legs ok? I'll get the first aid kit, you take off your pants and sweater, I'll wash them." With a curt nod, Evan was out the door. Connor let out a breath and smiled, jumping to his feet, stripping quickly. He was left in a black t-shirt, black boxers, and a pair of tree themed socks he stole from Evan a few days ago.

"I was woundering where those went." He chuckled, Connor smiled at him and handed over his jacket.

"Trade?" Evan smiled brightly and took Connor's jacket, wrapping it around himself. He breathed in deeply, loving the sent of smoke, cinnimon and pine.

Connor presented his wrist and let Evan wrap it. He chuckeled.

"Will you sign my cast Ev?" He rolled his eyes and grabbed a damp cloth.

"I don't know Connor, what do I get in return?"

"A kiss, maybe even a hand- OW!"

"Sorry sorry!" Evan squeaked, stroking Connor's cheek.

"I forgot to tell you that this is alcohol, to help it not get infected." The taller boy smiled, resting his forehead against Evans.

"O-Ok, please wrap this up quickly, and I swear if I don't get cuddles after this I will sue you."


"Evan.." Connor mumbeled, shaking. The shorter boy was there immedeity, grabbing Connor's hips.

"A-Are you ok!? Do you want me to call my mum I'm sure we can get to her to take you to the hospital oh my god please don't die!"

Connor giggled, kissing Evan's cheek softly.

"My legs just hurt.. And you promised cuddles after you finished so take your pants off and get into bed with me." Evan's face bloomed in color. He let Connor lead him into his room and onto his small bed.

"Do you know why small beds are the best for cuddling?"

"N-No why?"

"Because there's so little room you need to be atop the other. Or just touching at all times it's the best." Evan smiled at the man in front of him and hugged him from behind.

"Babe the beds right there, let's go and cuddle pleasee." Connor whined, tugged Evan infront of him. With a bit of manoeuvring, Connor managed To tackle Evan onto the sheets. He squeaked out a laugh as Connors head snuggeled into his neck.
The taller boy wrapped his arms around Evans waist and curled up on top of him. The smaller boy kissed the top of Connor's head and copied Connor's movements.

"You are the most amazing person in my life.."

"Am I?" Evan chuckled, looking down at Connor, he locked their eyes.

"You are, so fucking amazing and look so fucking hot in my jacket." He leaned up and connected there lips, smiling dumbly at the feeling.

"I-I, god you're amazing Con."

"I can't express it but your just so- so beautiful, and I know I say it all the time but the world would be colder without you and your adorable obsession with trees, and that being said I-"

"Connor, babe?"


"Go to sleep."

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