Sweet Making 🤍

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They finished high school, got accepted into the same university, life was amazing.

Currently, Evan and Connor were cuddling on the living room couch watching a cheesy romantic movie. Exchanging small lazy kisses every so often.

"Ok, here's what I don't understand. They say they're hungry, go to the kitchen to get something to eat, then end up making out? Is the kitchen really that magical?"

Evan giggled, pecking Connors lips.

"You know.. I can actually cook. Why don't we find out?" Evan mumbled. Connor's face darkened before he pulled himself and Evan up.

"I do not deserve you."

"You bet your ass you don't."

"I think I'm starting to rub off on you babe."

"Maybe, do you not like me like this? I-I can go back to the way I was before if that makes you feel more comfortable?"

Connor smiled lovingly at Evan as he pulled his hair into a high ponytail.

"You don't need to change at all, only if you feel unsafe or sad ok?" The two smiled brightly before leaning in for another kiss.

"Ok! I need you to get the sugar and flour from the pantry, and I'll start with the wet ingredients!"

Connor smiled at Evans enthusiasm and shook his head.

"You are too cute for your own good you know that right?"

Evan, now in a cute 'kiss the cook' apron, winked. If that didn't turn Connor on he'd be lying to himself.

"Keep that up and we won't be here much longer." Connor whispered, grabbing Evans ass on his way to the pantry.

The smaller boy giggled and slapped Connors ass as he walked by.

"Yup!" Connor turned on his heels pointing his fingers, "I am so rubbing off on you."

"Oh you love it." Nodding, Connor turned back and grabbed the ingredients.

"Hey, what are we even making?"

"The most basic thing that can go wrong and usually does, cake."

"I love cake."

"That is another reason." Connor chuckled and kissed the side of Evans head.


"Connor, Connor no I said a pinch! A pinch not the whole box!"

"But the more there is the sweeter it will be!" He mumbled, licking his fingers clean.

"If the cake is too sweet, with the icing will be almost sickening! It could potentially burn even more!"

"Psff burn, burn burn baby!" Connor sang, dancing around the kitchen. Evan laughed so hard, he almost fell to the floor.

"D-Don't make me la-laugh I need to finish the icing!"

"What? This icing?" Connor grabbed the partially finish past and held it above Evans head.

"Yes! Yes that one!" Evan giggled, trying to reach the bowl. Connor just raised it higher.

"Connor come on! As soon as we finish that, the sooner we can eat cake!"

The older boy stopped and looked down at Evan, his face was flustered and was panting slightly, he was wearing a toothy grin and his eyes were just screaming love, affection, and a little playfulness.

Rolling his eyes Connor put the bowl back on the counter and kissed Evan. He let out a small surprised whine which only egged on Connor more. While the two continued exploring places they've done a million times, Connor managed to turn Evan and press him against the counter.

"Hmm, Connor w-wait what about the cake?" He asked softly when their lips disconnected.

"The cake can wait Ev." Connor dove back in, pressing Evan harder into the counter. The smaller boy whimpered and leaned back.

It took all of three seconds to realize that they were now covered in partially made icing.

They both burst out laughing.

"I guess, I guess that kitchens really are magical." Evan giggled, reaching up to smear more icing onto Connors face.

"Oh you are so gonna pay for that."

Evan squeaked and dropped to the floor, quickly crawling under Connor's legs.


He giggled and ran to the other side of the kitchen island. They both stared at each other, hopping back and forth to gain an edge on the other. Glancing around quickly, Evan grabbed a spoon covered in watery cake mix and flicked it at Connor.

He yelped loudly, trying but ultimately failing at dodging the cake. It hit him on his shoulder and pretty much exploded everywhere.

"Oh my god this is insane!"

The taller boy jumped over the island and attacked the other, wiping his hands in Evans hair. His laughing must have been so loud since it brought Heidi running inside.

"What's wrong what-"

The two boys stopped, and slowly became aware their positions.

Connor was holding one of Evans wrists against the wall and the other was in his hair, one of his legs were between Evans keeping him in place.
Evan hand was on Connors cheek, and the other was tightly holding onto Connor t-shirt.


"Oh! Don't mind me! Just make sure you clean up after yourself's and use protection."

"Ok we will Mum- wait wait wait what?!"

Connor chuckled and leaned in, licking some of the sugar from Evans cheek.

"Your mum is amazing Ev."

"I know.. W-We should clean up now."

"...Yeahhh dammit, it was fun while it lasted."

Evan turned to Connor and pecked his lips.

"The sooner we clean up the sooner we can get back to what we were doing." He whispered, licking his lips softly.

"Fuck." Connor pulled Evan from the wall and kissed him again, wrapping his arms around his neck.

"Haha ok ok! Let's clean up now ok?"

Connor frowned playfully, but grabbed a rag and got to work, Evan following suit.

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