Kissing 🤍🔥

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"A simple thing really. Kissing I mean, do you ever think about that?" Connor was high, or, high enough to question things that didn't usually cross his mind.

Evan jumped at the question, glancing his boyfriend of four months who's head was snuggled into his side.

"U-Umm well.." He didn't really know what to say, yeah kissing is a pretty amazing thing, he's read so many books that claim kissing can make your knees weak. He's happy to say it's true.

"Like how does it feel? Have you kissed anyone Evan?"

He giggled and brushed Connor's hair from his face.

"Yeah, y-you silly."


God he seemed so happy.

"Yeah b-baby are you ok? I mean I know you're safe and stuff but- I guess your brain is sorta fogged up and-"

Connor snaked his way up Evan's chest and pressed their lips together, signing at the warmth that raced across his skin.

The taller boy pulled Evan into his lap, trapping him between the wall and his chest.

"Hmm C-Connor I-"


Their lips connected in a deeper kiss, pulling a gasp of pleasure from Evan.

"I wonder if I can make you cum from just kisses?" Connor, while high, always voiced his thoughts. It was uterally adorable until Evan processed what he was suggesting.

"Con- Connor baby my mom will be back soon we can't just mmff-!"

"Shshhz- let me take care of you.." He slowly pulled down Evan's collar and harshly bit his collarbone.

The tree obsessed boy gasped, arching into Connors embrace.

"O-Ok ok f-fine just.. Fern hurry up.. and lock the door."

Connor obeyed quickly and started stripping himself, tripping over almost everything. Evan watched, as the blush on his cheeks wandered down to his chest and shoulders.

"Hmm Ev your turn." Connor hummed, causing Evan to giggle- leaving the other boy in a state of shock.

"You're so b-beautoful!" The taller boy cried, clinging to his boyfriend tightly.

Right, he was an emotional mess when he was high too.

"Al-alright Connor take a deep breath and look at me ok?"

He did as he was asked, drooling slightly as Evan wrestled out of his shirt and jeans.

"Ahh I wove you.."

"I w-wove you too Connor."

He mumbled some random nothing's as he started kissing down Evan's chest, leaving a trail of spit and bright red marks.

"F-Fern Connor hurry up.." The older boy smiled and slipped his hands inside Evan's boxers, pulling them down his legs.


"Soo fucking b-beautoful.." Connor knew he was crying, he also knew he was high. But that wasn't the point, making his Evan feel good was.

He slowly grasped Evan's shaft, squeezing gently at the base.


"You make the cutest noises Ev.." Connor slurred, pressing kisses and bites to the boys jaw.

"F-Faaa- Connie please please-!"

The taller boys face darkened at the nickname, tightening his grip around Evan's base.

"Connie p-please baby mmmore~"

"Don't call me that."

Evan whimpered but obeyed, lacing his fingers through Connor's fluffy locks.

"Ok... Your hair is really soft."

He hummed in agreement, rubbing his fingers down Evan's thighs.

The boy moaned, clasping a hand over his mouth quickly.

"Hmm no! I wanna hear you!" Connor whined, tapping his arm.

Evan chuckled, smiling as he cupped the others cheek.

"You're beautiful."

Connor whined again, leaning down to bite and kisses his pelvis.

"Hmm C-Connor-"

The soft moans helped guide Connor to where his most sensitive spots were.

He continued biting and sucking until Evan's hips and thighs were covered in dark bruising marks.

"C-Close Con- Connor I'm close!"

He nodded, leaning back to nip at the other boys tip, licking over his slit.

With a choked moan, Evan came hard into his boyfriends mouth and face.
It took a few seconds to get his bearings back, and release his fingers from Connor's hair.

"You're amazing, do you want me to help you now?"

Connor smiled brightly, hugging Evan tightly.


"Connor baby I need you to speak clearly. Can you do for me?"

"I already came..."

Evan giggled, pushing Connor up so he could see the mess they made.

"Well would you look at that? Without being touched too."

Connor groined and looked away, crossing his arms jokingly.

"So what?"

"Nothing, you're just adorable."

Connor blushed deeply, burrowing his head in Evan's neck.


"Never." Evan whispered softly, moving so he could pull the blankets up over themselves.

Connor almost immediately passed out, leaving Evan to run his fingers up and down his back, running his fingers through the black locks and massaging his head.

"I love you, so much Connie."

"Don' call me that..."

"I love you too.."

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