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"you know that my train could take you home"

"Were you two even watching?" Pansy exclaimed, jokingly hitting Astoria on her shoulder.

"We were!" She looked over at Draco for reassurance.

He nodded, "absolutely, that was a great loop you did Daphne."

Daphne chortled, "I don't even know how to loop, that was Blaise!"

"We'll watch the first match, promise!"

Astoria looked over at Pansy who stood with a red face beside her new teammates. Theo stood before them all with a grin, "it looks like we have a team!"

"And a winning one at that!" Blaise added.

"So, that's me as the Keeper, Blaise and Pansy as our Beaters, Daphne, Malcom and Graham as our Chasers and Ismelda as our Seeker!" Theo took a few steps forward, "I know a lot of you haven't played on the team before so I will be kicking you all into shape with as many early morning training sessions as I can book for you."

"Thanks a lot Theo." Daphne rolled her eyes, "just know we'll be getting you back sometime for all those early morning sessions!"

Malcom shook his head lightly, "thanks for that one mate."

"There will be no complaining," Theo clapped his hands loudly, "together, we will win the Quidditch cup! Now we all need to get back inside, warm up and get ready for the training schedule to be posted."

Blaise scurried the rest of the team back inside, "right let's get back to our dorms, have a hot shower and enjoy the rest of the weekend!"

Although Astoria hadn't even been on the pitch in the thick of the cold, the thought of a hot shower was everything she wanted. "Prefect's bathroom?" She asked Daphne and Pansy with a grin.

"Oh," Pansy took their hands, "absolutely."

In their previous year at Hogwarts, the trio had stumbled across the prefect's bathroom one night and ever since then, it had become one of their regular hangouts. The trio felt more than comfortable enough to bathe with one another, especially after a difficult event such as those from their previous year.

Hand in hand, the girls made their way up into the bathroom. "I need this," sighed Astoria.

Daphne shot her a puzzled look, "you weren't even playing!"

Astoria shrugged her shoulders, "well those stands are still cold."

"Shut it you two, let's get in," Pansy strolled into the bathroom and began running the streams of water.

Daphne and Astoria didn't even turn away when Pansy stripped naked. As soon as she began, the pair followed in her footsteps.

As soon as the girls slipped into the warm, bubbling pool, the weight of the world fell off their shoulders. "Now, this is nice."

"This is exactly what we've been needing,"

Pansy swirled her hands in the warm water, "you're so right."

Feeling the warm water hug every inch of her skin made Astoria almost able to forget everything that had happened last year, it felt as though she could simply slip in and wash away all the bad memories. "How is everyone feeling about this term?"

"It feels weird to have you in our year little sister!" Daphne smiled at her, leaning back into the bath and letting the bubbles almost drown her.

Pansy let out a sigh, "I still remember you on the Platform on your very first day," she chuckled lightly, "you were so young!"

Astoria → Draco MalfoyWhere stories live. Discover now