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"can't turn back now, i'm haunted"

When the sun had just passed the horizon, Astoria awoke. She couldn't stay asleep anymore, she needed the morning to come. She had been stirring for hours, but her body could rest no more.

As quietly as she could, she snuck into the common room.

"Morning Astoria," she jumped as she heard Draco's voice echo across the quiet room.

Astoria rubbed her eyes, "good morning, Draco." She sat herself beside him, sighing as she sank into the sofa. "Couldn't sleep?" She asked him.

Draco shook his head, "I want this over."

Everything felt as though it had gone on too long. It was all a continuation of problems caused years ago. All caused by one person, a man who should have been stopped when he was just a boy.

"I'm tired." She didn't have to say what she meant, he just knew, they all did. She let herself rest her heavy head on his shoulder.

"I think Slughorn can help us, I really do." Even if he didn't believe it, Draco had to say it, saying it would make it true and right now, they needed help. They were without the map, they had spotted their parents on the map twice and twice, they hadn't been there. "I think this will be over soon," it just had to be. "It's been too long, and I think all we need is someone to help us, someone who can do more than we can. Maybe Slughorn will be that person." Every word he said was for his own benefit, he needed to hear them, so he would be the one to say them. "Astoria?" He called out after she hadn't replied in a few minute, "you awake?" Draco directed his eyes to her face, but her eyes were closed, and she was lost in a slumber.

"Sleep well then," he laughed lightly. For some reason, he found himself continuing to talk, even though he knew she could not listen, "I really think this is it Astoria. I feel how I did before the big battle." He let his hands run through her auburn hair, "I knew we were going to win, even when I wasn't sure what side I was really on, I knew we would win. I feel just like that, the pit in my stomach, I feel sick, but I feel sick almost in a good way. I think this is it." He closed his eyes, for what he thought was only a moment, but when he awoke Theo stood before him.

"You alright mate?" Theo asked him, gesturing to the sleeping girl on his shoulder, his hands caught up in her hair.

"Astoria needed a quick trip to the salon," he smiled at Theo, releasing his hands, "she was tired," he whispered the last part quietly, gently manoeuvring Astoria's head onto the side of the sofa.

"Bet that's not the only place your hands have been," winked Theo, "if you know what I me-"

Draco reached into his pocket, brandishing his wand, "shut up Theo, before I make you."

"Boy's boys boys," Pansy said as she entered the common room, "stop flirting." She wagged her finger at the duo as Blaise walked into the room.

"Flirting?" He frowned, "without me?"

"Blaise baby," Theo took a step closer to him, "never." He planted a kiss on Blaise's cheek.


Draco raised his brows, "is this is a thing?" He scanned the two boys, who stood uncomfortably together.

"It might be for him," Blaise pushed Theo away from him gently, "but it's not for me."

Theo cut him off, "not yet Blaise. You are a challenge, and I will conquer you."

"Merlin!" Astoria stirred awake, "what have I woken up to?"

"Blaise and Theo flirting," began Pansy.


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