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"reaching out across the sea"

It worked in shifts- each student took a six-hour shift, carrying around the map and watching it for new information.

When it came to Astoria's shift, she held the map under her desk in the Defence Against the Dark Arts classroom, watching it intently.

"So, as we were covering Dementors last week, I thought it would make sense to discuss a similar creature, a Lethifold," Professor Belby began, Astoria barely listening. "Now, can anyone tell me what a Lethifold is?

Hermione Granger spoke first, "a Lethifold, commonly referred to as a Living Shroud, is similar in shape to a Dementor. They are carnivorous and particularly difficult to fend off."

"Excellent answer." Professor Belby nodded, "10 points to Granger."

"How is it different to a Dementor?" Ginny piped up, "do they look different?"

"Great question Miss Weasley. Yes, they do," he nodded again, "a Dementor is much taller, they also have a protruding skeleton, so you can see their bony body. But a Lethifold, does not have this," he waved his wand on the chalkboard, creating images with each movement. "A Lethifold, is instead much shorter and they are instead, just a cloak. My great-great-great grandfather Flavius Belby, described them as having a thick cloak, much thicker than that of a Dementor."

"I have him on a Chocolate Frog card," Theo said quietly to Astoria. "He isn't the best card though."

Astoria barely heard him, instead watching intently as each name moved around the map.

"If they are similar to a Dementor, are they also repelled by a Patronus Charm?" Hermione questioned him, scrawling quickly yet neatly diagrams on her parchment.

"Excellent, yes they are! If only great-great-great grandfather Flavius Belby had discovered that slightly sooner! He was lucky to make it out in time." Professor Belby began writing the incantation on the board, "so you're all familiar with the Patronus Charm, I believe Mr Potter taught many of you how to conjure a Patronus...." He trailed off, looking to the students for a response.

Gryffindors, Ravenclaws and Hufflepuffs all nodded, the Slytherin students looking awkwardly around at each other.

"Would have been nice to be included in that one." Theo said, frowning.

Astoria thought back to her lesson with Granger and her failure. "Theo," she kept her voice quiet, "come with me after the lesson, okay?" She remembered all those months ago how he had wanted to be taught by Hermione when she offered, and how Astoria had neglected to tell him about her private lessons.

"Sure." He nodded along, doodling on his parchment.

She peered back to the map, before glancing up at the clock. "Your turn Pansy," she handed her the map, "be careful."

"I know what to do Astoria." Pansy reassured her, taking the map and sliding it under the desk.

Astoria let herself relax for the rest of the lesson, barely paying attention as Professor Belby as he went off on a tangent about his relative's life story.

As soon as the lesson ended, Astoria turned around to talk to Hermione. "Hermione," she smiled at her, "do you think we could have another lesson?"

"Oh yes!" Hermione beamed, "I was hoping you would want another one soon! It feels just like doing the DA again! I have a free right now if you wanted?" She packed up her bag, following Astoria as she made her way out of the classroom.

"Astoria, are we going on some kind of secret date, because I am not-" Theo paused, glancing at the pair walking out of the classroom, "oh, hi Hermione."

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