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"know that it's delicate"

"Students, I regret to inform you that Hogwarts will be closing." McGonagall's voice echoed across the Great Hall, "there has been another death. Millicent Bulstrode was found dead earlier tonight. Hogwarts cannot remain open, not when your lives are at risk-"

"Blood hell," Theo winced, "how has this happened?"

Astoria barely knew Millicent, but still, she felt her heart pang at the announcement - all the stakes had been real. Only a few short hours ago, she had been happy, she had been locked up in a world of her own, one where none of this even existed. And suddenly, she had been brought back to reality with the one thing she couldn't escape - death.

"Hogwarts will close, for your safety. We cannot lose another student," she gulped, holding back a tear. "Tomorrow afternoon, the Hogwarts Express will arrive in Hogsmeade. Your parents have all been made aware, and they are expecting your return. Unfortunately, the year has come to a rather premature end." She sighed, "please return to your common rooms with your Prefects, and do not leave the castle. Classes shall be cancelled tomorrow to allow you to pack."

Blaise spoke up, scratching his chin, "this makes no sense."

"We have to stop this now; I am not missing another year!" Exclaimed Daphne, "not another one." She shook her head.

"We should talk to McGonagall, do you think Slughorn had a chance to talk to Aron McCubbin?" The thoughts were buzzing around Astoria's head faster than she could process them. She shook her head, "we need to fix this - and tonight."

"Astoria's right," Draco nodded in agreement, "if this doesn't all end tonight, we are going to end up with a repeat of last year."

"I'm not having that."

"I can't do it again," Daphne looked out at all of the young students leaving the Great Hall, "they don't deserve this either..."

"How the fuck are we meant to do this? We haven't figured anything out in months!"

Theo shook his head, "right, what do we know?" He pulled out some parchment from his pocket, "let's list."

"Theodore Nott," grinned Pansy, "organised for once, I never thought I would see the day."

"Not the time Pansy," he cut her off sharply. "So we know that we've seen Emelda Zabini, Perseus Parkinson and Adrian Greengrass on the map, for now, we can assume it's just them."

Everyone nodded, it was a start.

"And then, they're likely travelling through the castle under an invisibility cloak. They have to have been the ones who released the Lethifold that killed Professor Belby-"

Blaise cut him off, "I can bet Millicent was killed by one too."

"Makes sense," he nodded, "I bet Professor Slughorn would know." Theo raised his arms, beckoning over Professor Slughorn to the now almost empty table. "Professor!" He called out, "we need to talk to you."

"As do I," Slughorn nodded at the group of Slytherins, "I have news regarding Mr McCubbins. Please," he smiled at them, "follow me to my office."

In silence, the students followed him, Astoria hesitating once she saw the sofa she had been sat on, only a few days ago, when she had seized. She gulped, "I'll- I'll stand," she stood herself behind the sofa, leaning her body weight against it.

"Well, I have managed to speak with Aron McCubbins,  I used a phial of freshly brewed Veritaserum- very lucky to have made a new batch only a few weeks ago, it tends to work much better when it's fresh-"

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