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"think he did it"

"Very well then Mr Malfoy-"

"-your first charge relates to the escape from Azkaban, please explain yourself." Anita Savage asked him, peering her head over the stand in order to properly view him.

"Well, you see I was not planning on the escape," he began. "The others convicted did not intend on bringing me with them, however I was privy to their plan, and they believed that I would share with the wrong parties. I was taken by them against my will, you see-"

"-how did this occur?"

Lucius raised his brows, "pardon?"

"This escape, in which you were somehow taken?"

"They had a visitor bring in an invisibility cloak, they had bribed one of the Aurors you see, so everyone took a potion-"

"-and how was this potion given to you."

Lucius gulped, "it was forced onto me. Adrian Greengrass forced it down my throat."

"Interesting." Stokke nodded her head, "very interesting."

"Please continue."

"This potion made us hidden to the homenum revelio charm, so when under the cloak, we were entirely invisible to the Aurors. Then all it took was a threat from Perseus and we were out. For the first few days, they kept me locked away, but Theodore felt sorry for me, and eventually I managed to apparate out. I spent the rest of my time with my wife."

"That would be Narcissa Malfoy, correct?"

"Yes," Lucius nodded.

"Why did you not hand yourself in?" Stokke pursed her lips, "that would have certainly allowed for a shorter sentence."

"You see, I was hoping to apprehend the others, stop them in their tracks-"

"-why not hand yourself in, reveal the plans to the Ministry, and then allow us to apprehend them?"

"Unfortunately, the Ministry has not always been successful in the capture of criminals, need I remind you of Sirius Black?" He raised his brows, "he was allowed to break into Hogwarts, and remain on the run until his untimely death. Further, the Ministry were non-believers of many of my previous details when surrendering other Death Eaters, why would I be believed?"

"You should have had trust in the Ministry-"

Lucius cut her off, "but I did not. I had no reason to."

"Anyway..." Stokke said, "please explain the events of the night of the July third." She crossed her arms, awaiting his answer.

He nodded eagerly, "you see I was aware that they were residing in Hogsmeade, and due to a tracker in Draco's ring, I was always aware of his location. When I saw Draco approaching Hogsmeade, I had to protect him. Before I managed to collect my son, I was approached by Perseus Parkinson, whom I stunned, might I add."

"It is noted."

"I left a stunned Perseus and I apparated, knowing that the Anti-Apparition Charms were undone-"

A small male peered over at him, "how did you know?"

"You see, if Perseus was roaming freely in Hogsmeade, he was vulnerable to apprehension, this would not have been done if they did not have protection in the form of Apparition out of Hogsmeade. So I then located Draco and wished to explain all of my involvement in these plans, I wished to clear my name, even if only with my son."

"And your son, he is here today, he intends to give evidence?"

Lucius nodded. "He does."

"I am afraid, Mr Malfoy, that will not be possible due to his direct relation to you. He cannot be trusted-"

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