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"They told me all of my cages were mental, so I got wasted like all my potential."

For the first time in a very long while, Astoria had a good night's sleep, one that wasn't riddled with nightmares that awoke her in the middle of the night, for once Astoria was awoken by the sunlight streaming in through the dormitory window.

Within a few short minutes, Astoria was up, dressed, and in the common room. "Good morning, Daphne!" She exclaimed with a smile.

"How are you so cheery at this time of day?" She heard Pansy call from the corner of the room with a yawn.

"I had a good night's sleep," Daphne took her hand and squeezed it briefly. "My first one in almost a year. Nothing can bring me down today!"

"If I don't get some breakfast, everything will be bringing me down." Daphne sighed. "Astoria, Pansy, you ready to go?"

"I'll skip this one," Pansy said quietly, "I need another hour at least." She dropped her head onto the signature green sofa and closed her eyes, dozing off almost instantly.

"Just us two then," Daphne smiled at her sister as they made their way towards the door.

"Wait for us!" The Greengrass sisters turned to see Theo, Blaise and Draco all rushing out of their dormitory. "We can't exactly be Quidditch ready if we miss breakfast."

"I can't do anything until I've eaten," Theo added.

"Let's get to breakfast then." Daphne led the group to their usual Slytherin table in the Great Hall. In a few short moments, the group had piled their plates high with food, Astoria sticking to her usual toast whilst Theo, Blaise and Draco took more than their fair share of everything being offered.

Although the Great Hall was almost empty, Astoria could feel the presence of all those around her. She felt their eyes glaring at the back of her head, sizing up each returning Slytherin student and like judging them. Astoria knew she was to expect judgement, but she had only been at Hogwarts a few hours and already felt discomfort. Her home now felt more like a house than a home.

Astoria took a bite of her toast. "When will they stop looking at us?" She spoke through gritted teeth."

"It's only day one, they should stop eventually." Daphne attempted to reassure her.

"Doubt it," Draco added, "It was like this for me for years, you'll get used to it eventually Astoria, all Slytherins have to."

"I never had to!" Protested Theo with his mouth filled to the brim.

"Well, you were never observant enough to realise they've been looking at us Slytherins for years like this. At least they aren't talking about us yet," said Blaise.

"That we know of," Daphne corrected him. "I am almost certain they have had at least a few gossiping sessions about us, especially after McGonagall's speech last night."

"Well I'll give them something to talk about-" Theo reached to the bottom of his sleeve, his fingers grasping the end. Before he even had a chance to lift it an inch, Draco clasped his hand against his.


"Theo, they don't exactly need another reason to hate us, they have enough," Blaise added.

Astoria ate the rest of her breakfast in silence, nobody on the Slytherin table saying another word until they had all finally finished. "See you all at Quidditch try-outs," Astoria muttered as she left her seat.

"Why are you going to Quidditch try-outs? You don't play Astoria!" Daphne exclaimed, jumping out of her seat and leaving the Great Hall alongside her sister and Blaise, with Draco trailing behind them in silence.

Astoria → Draco MalfoyWhere stories live. Discover now