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"seeing the shape of your name still spells out pain."

Astoria knew she couldn't tell Professor McGonagall about what she had found, but as soon as her and Daphne bundled into the Slytherin Common Room, it fell from her lips.

"You have to see this," she brandished the note, showing it off as soon as she saw Draco before her.

He didn't even finish reading the note before he rushed out of the room, returning with Theo and Blaise beside him. Draco took the note in his hands, "what does it mean?"

Blaise spoke first, "it means Astoria was telling the truth."

Theo cut him off, "we all knew that Blaise, but what in Merlin's earth are we supposed to do know?"

"We have to stop them." Pansy said, "I don't know how, but they've made it into the castle."

"Where could they hide?" Astoria turned to Daphne, "you know our father best, where would he go?"

"There's nowhere to hide in Hogwarts!" Theo exclaimed, "not with Peeves on lookout."

"A basilisk did it."

Everyone turned to face Blaise, "Blaise, he is not a basilisk, he is not hiding in the bathroom!"

"Not with Myrtle around, he would die first," Pansy rolled her eyes at the thought of having to live with Moaning Myrtle. It was bad enough hearing her wail through the pipes when they tried to bathe, but if she heard that every day, who knows what she would do.

"He could be in Hogsmeade." Draco added quietly, "remember, there are hidden passages all around Hogwarts, there's one that goes to Hogsmeade directly. There's one by the west well."

"And that one-eyed witch one!"

"Didn't McGonagall close that passage?" Astoria asked, "I thought I overheard them talking about it last year."

"All of the passages are probably sealed, if they weren't in the war, they are now." Daphne frowned, everything felt hopeless. If the passages were closed, where else could some hide in Hogwarts?

"I have an idea." Draco said, his face lighting up momentarily, "saint Potters map."

Blaise blinked at him, "expand. You know," he scoffed, "for those who maybe don't know."

"Potter had this stupid map that showed where everyone was in the castle, it's probably still somewhere in the castle. McGonagall probably has it, or Peeves stole it. It had the names of everyone too, so we could see exactly who was where, we could find them all."

It wasn't much, but was a thread of hope, and they clung to it fiercely.

"Let's find the map then."

Daphne smiled, "yes lets, but tomorrow."


"I'm shattered."

"Is there no sense of urgency?" Astoria furrowed her brows, "surely we should look tonight while everyone is asleep? We can't just wait it out!"

"Astoria, it's fine." Daphne placed her hand on her sister's shoulder, "we will wake up early tomorrow and come up with a plan."

"She's right," added Draco, "a few hours won't hurt."

"Plus, I'm in no fit state to do anything without my beauty sleep." Theo beamed at the group, "I need my eight hours."

"I can already see it taking effect," Blaise stared at Theo, "you look positively hideous!"

Astoria → Draco MalfoyWhere stories live. Discover now