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'Would it be enough if I could never give you peace?'

"Well, I am glad you asked Blaise." Theo pulled from his pocket a bar of ordinary-looking soap.

"We're going to wash?" Daphne chuckled at Theo's awful idea of revenge.

"Well, I should hope we all do that anyway, though Draco you do smell rather bland so perhaps you ought to scrub a little bit harder." Draco rolled his eyes. "Anyways, that was not the point." Theo slammed his bread roll onto the table. "We're going to put it in McGonagall's quarters, and I already convinced a few younger Gryffindor girls that it could make someone fall in love with them similarly to Amortentia, they weren't exactly difficult to trick either."

"Well, it's better than nothing." Blaise sighed.

"Hardly," Astoria added. "It doesn't really get your point across. Maybe add some graffiti with your message?"

"Excellent idea Astoria, you see and that is why you are a Slytherin!" Theo was filled with so much energy he looked as though he might burst. As he shovelled down more and more bread his face began to redden even deeper.

"Are you sure it isn't because I'm evil?"

"You're only evil to me," Daphne giggled, leaning her head on Astoria's shoulder.

"So what are we doing?" Pansy looked up at Theo, barely awake but awake enough to be aware of what was going on. She had always loved chaos and certainly wasn't going to miss out on the first disastrous prank of the year.

"Blaise and I will tackle McGonagall's Office, Astoria you're on guard, Daphne and Draco you can do the graffiti, we all know I am not the best at spelling, and Pansy you will just look pretty."

"So I don't even have to try?" Pansy batted her eyelids, flicking her hair audaciously over her shoulder.

"Sounds like a plan," Astoria looked over at the head table where McGonagall was happily chattering away to Professor Flitwick, unaware of the plot being devised against her. "McGonagall takes forever to eat so we can go now and get it out of the way."

"I like your style Astoria," Theo jumped up from his seat, taking another bread roll for the road. "Let's go!"

Daphne, Pansy, Blaise and Astoria all rose from their seats, with far less excitement than Theo, but far more than Draco who trailed like a zombie behind them.

The group stopped by the dungeons to collect spray paint in none other than Slytherin green, stuffing the cans into their robe pockets in a rather awful attempt at hiding them. Astoria didn't even question why Theo had brought the spray paint to Hogwarts in the first place, it was too in character for her to be bothered.

"Right, Pansy you go do whatever you want," Theo began once they made it outside McGonagall's office. "Maybe go wait outside the Great Hall and keep an eye on McGonagall-"

"Whilst looking pretty." She added as she headed off, back in the direction of the Great Hall.

"Of course. Daphne and Draco, take a can each and get to work on writing something on the wall, Astoria you stand near to them and shout something if you hear anyone coming so we know to hide. Blaise and I will go and deposit the soap."

Everybody nodded in agreement as Blaise and Theo rushed off out of view. "How are they getting into her quarters?" Astoria asked.

"No idea." Daphne opened the can of spray paint. "Not really my problem though, is it?"

"What are we writing then?" Draco sighed loudly.

"Enemies of the heir beware?" Draco and Daphne turned to look at Astoria with a frown. It might have been funny to her, but nobody seemed to share her sense of humour. "Alright then but that's me fresh out of suggestions now. I'll just get back to keeping watch." Astoria smiled at Daphne before turning her focus on the corridor.

Astoria → Draco MalfoyWhere stories live. Discover now