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"wasting your honor"

To say there was a celebration, would be an understatement. As soon as they entered the common room, it was an overwhelming experience. Silver banners across the walls, fairy lights dangling from the ceiling, jazz music playing from the corner, the golden fireplace glowing. Almost every single student had gathered in the common room to celebrate their win

"We bloody did it!" Theo called out from the shoulders of Blaise, "Slytherin have finally won a match again!"

"And without violence." Blaise added loudly.

"Speak for yourself," Theo adjusted himself, "I absolutely pushed some of those Hufflepuff Chasers." He said, earning roaring cheers from the gaggle of students.

Daphne shoved him, "Theo!"

"Fuck it, we won anyway!" He shook his head, jumping off of Blaise's shoulders, "fire whiskey anyone?" Theo brandished a bottle of the golden liquor, offering it up. He poured several students high glasses of the drink, taking sips for himself between students. "Astoria, have some!" He reached over to the cabinet, grabbing her a glass and filling it high with fire whiskey.

Hesitantly, she took a swig, "Theo, Merlin that's strong." She held back a cough, splitting awkwardly into her hand, but something about the taste was still pleasant somehow.

"Slower," she turned to see Pansy placing a hand on her shoulder, "drink it slower little Greengrass."

"Little Greengrass? What's wrong with my name?"

"Doesn't suit you." Pansy squeezed her cheeks, "you're just so little."

Astoria laughed, removing Pansy's hands from her face, "let's get you some water." She poured a glass of water, feeding it to Pansy until it was all gone, "better?" Pansy nodded before heading off to target another group of students.

"Pansy is easy to please when she's drunk, but it doesn't stop her from being annoying." Blaise appeared from behind her, "she used to get drunk so much and all it would take was reading a funny word to set her off, but then she wouldn't stop until she had found the funniest in all of her textbooks. Every. Single. One" He shook his head, "harmless, but she's still a challenge."

"Good game today, Blaise," Astoria congratulated him, despite not really knowing what he had even done.

"It was alright, would have just been a bit embarrassing to lose to Hufflepuff, wouldn't it?" He shook his head at the thought, "we can't go from undefeated, to losing to the bottom team. As much as I hate to say it, I would rather lose to Gryffindor."

Upon hearing that, Theo flew over, hissing. "Boo! No Gryffindor talk here!" He slurred his words, clutching onto Astoria's shoulder to steady himself.
That was enough to rile up the remaining students, booing at the sound of their rival house.

"I agree." Draco walked on over, fire whiskey in his hand. "Theo, this really is shite." Nevertheless, he took another swig.

Theo was too drunk to even respond, instead, reaching out for Draco's glass.

"No no no." Draco wagged his finger at Theo, moving his drink out of reach, "this is mine."

Theo frowned, widening his eyes.

Astoria → Draco MalfoyWhere stories live. Discover now