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"castle crumbled overnight"

When Astoria awoke, a heavy fog hung over her head. Each of her thoughts felt heavy, her eyelids barely able to stay open as the golden light shone in on her.

"You're awake!" She heard her sister say gleefully, squeezing her hand tightly. "You had me so worried," she said, shuddering. "I-I've never seen anything like that."

"What happened?" All Astoria could remember was hitting the ground, she touched her hand to her head, the pain coming along with the memory.

Daphne gulped, "I think you... you had a seizure." She knew the implications of the word, but she knew that Astoria already knew, she had known it was coming ever since the same had happened to her mother.

"I'm almost eighteen..." The realisation sank in, she knew the blood curse that had haunted her family would begin to affect her soon. "Was this-?"

"We don't know," Daphne shrugged, "it could have been stress induced, but it, it also could have been the beginning. You still have plenty of time though, remember, mother had these symptoms for years before..."

"Before she died."

Daphne squeezed her sister's hand tighter, "it will be okay Astoria." Daphne wasn't entirely sure if it would be, unlike Astoria, she had been old enough to watch at the blood curse took full control of her mother. She had been the one who had to tend to her, when her father no longer could. Daphne had watched as the illness progressed, as it took over, turning her mother into someone entirely different. Unlike Astoria, Daphne knew what the future held, and it was a future she wished Astoria would never have to face, but despite the odds, she would be.

"I've got time." Astoria said simply, "I can still see the world."

"And ride a dragon!" Daphne grinned, recalling how it had once been Astoria's only wish to ride a dragon, how she had begged her parents for one for years, pleading with them that yes, it would fit in their garden.

"How could I forget? Although, after seeing them in the Triwizard Tournament, I'm not sure I trust them anymore!" She shook her head, the gruesome picture of the blood-soaked rocks in the arena overcoming her.

"I think," began Daphne, "we could find one better trained. Those must have been trained to kill, we'll find a nicer one for you. Anything you want Astoria, anything."

Astoria remained in the Hospital Wing for the next few days, under the watchful eye of her friends. She felt as though she was a child being checked in on, but still, she appreciated the company.

When it finally came her birthday, Astoria was released, hand in hand with her sister.

"Do be careful Miss Greengrass, in your condition, anything could be dangerous..." Madame Pomfrey trailed off, smiling at the Greengrass sisters, "look after her." She nodded at Daphne who quickly reciprocated.

"Of course," she smiled, "Astoria will stay in my line of sight."

Astoria rolled her eyes, "I'm not a baby Daphne!"

"You're my baby," she pinched her sisters' cheeks, "now, let's get you back to the common room, the others have a surprise!"

"Merlin- what have they done?" Astoria hated surprises, they were too unknown, impossible to prepare for and somewhat frightening.

Daphne grinned at her, "you'll have to wait and see!"

When they finally arrived at the Dungeons, outside of the Slytherin Common Room, Daphne paused, turning to face her sister, "they tried their best okay, we still aren't supposed to leave the classroom, but at least pretend you like it."

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