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"nothing lasts forever"

In a few short moments, the Slytherin students were on the third floor, waiting outside of the one-eyed witch passage. Each of them had their wands ready, clutched tightly in their hands, an expression of fear on their youthful faces.

"Students," they turned to see Headmistress McGonagall staring at them, stood alongside Slughorn. "I see you decided to attend too."

Pansy furrowed her brows, "did Professor Slughorn not tell you we were coming?"

"It seems he neglected to share that piece of information with me," she squinted at the embarrassed looking man. "I suppose, I cannot stop you, but you must listen to anything I say."

They all nodded, "of course."

"Any instructions I give, you must obey,  and you must stay behind both of us," she looked over at Slughorn, "at all times."

"Now," Slughorn nodded at the students, his hands on his hips, "how do we use this passage?"

"Merlin," Theo whispered, "did he even look at the bloody map?"

Astoria took out her wand, "I can do it Professor." She tapped the bottom of the statue with her wand, "Dissendium."

At once, the statues hump opened, causing both of the Professors to shudder, "is this safe?" McGonagall asked the students.

"I hope so,"  smiled Astoria, jumping straight into the passage, her heart skipping a beat as she felt herself falling, all the way down what felt like a stone slide. "Shit," she muttered under her breath as she felt herself collide with the damp ground. It was pitch black, she could barely even see the wand she knew she clutched in her hand, "Lumos!"

At once the passage illuminated, revealing nothing more than a long, slim, winding tunnel.

"Merlin, I didn't realise Honeydukes was so far away!" Theo exclaimed once he was through the passage.

"Has everyone made it safely?" McGonagall counted the heads of the students, ticking a mental box with each one she saw. "Please, do remain behind us at all times, and keep your wands out."

The Slytherin students nodded as they watched their two Professors head off into the distance, following a short distance behind them.

"What do you think we'll find?" Daphne asked her sister, her soft breaths condensating before her.

Astoria wasn't sure, she shook her head slowly, "Daphne I have no idea!"

"It can't be that much," Blaise called from behind the pair, "they've been living in Honeydukes, can't really call that luxury."

"I wouldn't mind it," added Theo with a grin, "Honeydukes does some great sweets."

"But every day? All you could eat?"

Theo paused before answering, "well...maybe not for every meal."

Astoria slid away from the conversation, moving to the back of the group of students. "Everything okay?" She asked Draco, taking his cold hand in hers.

"Just worried." He said bluntly, squeezing her hand lightly.

"It's going to be alright; we'll be fine."

Draco grimaced, "what if- what if we see my father?" Part of Draco wanted to believe that his father had changed, as he said he would all those months ago when he accepted his sentence to Azkaban without fight. He might not have seen his father on the map just yet, but he had escaped too, he had broken out with all of the other parents, it wouldn't make sense if he wasn't there.

Astoria → Draco MalfoyWhere stories live. Discover now