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"I see right through me"

"Pansy, spill." As soon as Daphne opened her eyes, she needed information, she shot up, staring at the raven-haired girl in the bed opposite her.'

Pansy raised her hand, keeping her eyes closed, "give me a minute Merlin." She groaned as she stretched out her body across the emerald bedding.

"What about you?" She turned to face her sister, "anything interesting after we went to bed?"

Astoria shook her head, she was happy to keep her romantic life private from her sister, no matter how much she usually shared contently.

Daphne rolled her eyes, "boring! Slytherin parties always have theatrics, Pansy, that's normally on you!"

Pansy threw her pillow aimlessly in Daphne's direction, "I still provided entertainment last night, it was just in private. Blaise was also good - I think..."

"Good?" Astoria raised her brows, "out of ten?"

"I am sure," she began, rubbing her eyes, "if I could remember it, it would be a ten - it always used to be."

"From Zabini? A ten!" Exclaimed Daphne, "I did not see that coming. I would expect it from the Slytherin Prince, but not Blaise or Theo."

Astoria chuckled at the nickname, it was one that had been created for Draco all those years ago during his phase of having what some might call relations, with most of the Slytherin girls. "Who has the map this morning anyway?" She changed the subject.

"Think Theo has it, since he retired the earliest!"

"Do you think he can even open his eyes this morning?" Astoria asked, still feeling nauseous from the copious amounts of fire whiskey she had drank the previous night, an amount which barely compared to Theo's several bottles drank within a much smaller time period.

"Probably not, but I'm sure Draco will have hexed him by now, especially after having to deal with putting him to bed. Now that, I would have paid to see," Pansy finally opened her eyes, smiling as she imagined the picture. She knew how annoying Theo could be on a normal day, but a drunk Theo was unimaginably irritating.

"What's the plan for today then?" Daphne sat herself up, crossing her legs, "revision?"

Astoria nodded, "yes please." She really needed to catch up on her Defence Against the Dark Arts work, she had barely been able to remember content from the last week, let alone the last two years.


Astoria agreed, "absolutely."

"Let's get dressed, ask the boys and probably take the map." Daphne made a metal note, counting each item off on her finger, "Pansy, you coming?"

A loud groan was enough to confirm what the Greengrass sisters already knew, Pansy burying herself back under the covers as soon as they had left the room. To no one's surprise, the common room was empty, scattered bottles and glasses dotted around the room, the only evidence that anyone had previously been inside.

Daphne made her way to the boy's dormitory door, "Theo, Blaise, Draco!" She called out to them, knocking loudly, "Astoria and I are going to study, you coming?"

Both the Greengrass sisters listened out for a response, but nothing, not even Theo shouting profanities, "they're still out of it completely."

"Well, can't say we didn't try."

Giving up, the pair made their way to the library, hand in hand, finding a seat as far away from Madame Prince as possible once they strolled through the doors.

Astoria → Draco MalfoyWhere stories live. Discover now