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"won't tell no other"

And so, Theo and Astoria told her everything.

Hermione sat patiently, she didn't interrupt, she didn't ask questions, she just let them tell her everything.

"And that's where we were just now," Astoria continued, "we were in the Armoury, we saw them on the map, you see."

Theo interjected, "but we were thinking, maybe the map was wrong, but we don't know much about it. We can't even turn it off."

"Oh the map is never wrong." Hermione took it in her hands, "and you turn it off by saying Mischief Managed." She inspected the map, "is this the first time you've seen them on the map?"

"Well we only got the map a few days ago, so yes."

"And does McGonagall know about this?" She raised her brows as the Slytherin students shuffled awkwardly before her.

"She didn't believe me last time, please." Astoria pleaded, "just let us do this."

Once, just once, she wanted the Slytherins to save the day. She didn't want to take it all the way to the Headmistress, just to be told she was a liar, she didn't want to involve the Professors for them to just ignore her. She had every right to be heard, just as Harry Potter had been when he told them all.
"I can keep your secret, for now." Hermione said to them, "but you have to tell me everything that happens as it happens. And if I hear anything I don't like," she paused, "I will go to McGonagall myself. She can't exactly ignore the Head Girl."

Theo smiled, already feeling a sense of peace. "Now what?"

"Keep the map, keep watching it," began Hermione, "as soon as you see anything, come and get me."

"We-we haven't told the others that we are telling you." Astoria paused, "we weren't sure how much they would approve."

Hermione looked hurt, but she brushed it off, "okay. I can see what I can do without them knowing, but you really ought to tell them. Secrets cause far more damage than they are worth."

She was right, but for now, Astoria couldn't face telling them. It would have to wait, she didn't want to deal with any disappointment on their part.
"Thank you Hermione."

Theo smiled at her, "we really are grateful. Not just for this."

"It's okay, I hope it's what any Head Girl would do." She looked down at her sparkling pin, "and I'm glad you feel you can tell me. It's far better to have more people to tell, it means more people can protect you."

"We'll be back soon, whether it's for another lesson or a debrief," Theo said as he stood up, "we really are grateful."

"Truly," added Astoria.

"I hope not to see you too soon," she smiled as she waved them out of the room, closing the door behind them.As soon as they were out, both Theo and Astoria breathed a sigh of relief, "I feel better.""Merlin me too. It's like a load off my shoulders." He shook his shoulders wildly, "is this what sex is supposed to be like?"

Astoria laughed, "as if you don't know." She rolled her eyes, "we all saw you in Sixth Year. You were a slut Theo."

"Astoria!" He screamed, "only past tense? When did I lose my title?"

"Stopped having sex." She said simply, "that does tend to be a requirement."
"Well shit. Know anyone eligible for me?"

"I suppose," she squeezed his cheeks, "with a face so cute who could resist you?"

Theo raised his brows, "and if I bring out the puppy dog eyes too-"

"Oh, stop right there, the ladies will come running."

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