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"what will become of me"

For the next few days, Astoria followed the same routine. She woke up to the sound of Professor Slughorns voice, she was escorted to lessons, escorted back to the Great Hall, and watched as she slept; it felt like a never-ending nightmare. Each day felt the same, like she was watching the same show on repeat.

"Good morning students!" McGonagall called out to the students who sat eating their breakfast. "I expect the Ministry to have completed their investigation by the end of today. I will discuss the findings with them and relay with you as soon as possible. Continue being alert please and stay safe."

"Well that was useless." Theo rolled his eyes, tucking into his porridge.

Astoria nodded, "every morning she says the same thing, and the Ministry still haven't found anything."

It had been a week since they arrived, but they had failed to find anything of use. All of the students had seen them, peering around corridors, searching through classrooms, talking to the Professors, and even Peeves - but nothing.

"Maybe they should just ask Harry Bloody Potter, I mean he found the Chamber of Secrets when no one else could..." Blaise suggested to the group, "he would have found this Lethifold by now."

As much as they hated to admit it, Blaise was right. "Bloody Potter," Draco shook his head.

"Why didn't he even come back?"

Astoria peered over at Hermione, "I guess he didn't need to? Or want to?" She knew Hermione would always want to finish her education, regardless of what was waiting for her at the Ministry.

"Potter's so famous he doesn't need Hogwarts anymore."

Daphne nodded, "Hogwarts needs him."

And it was true. The number of students at Hogwarts had fallen drastically in the past few years. It seemed although he had once been a figure of attraction to the school, once He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named returned, students began to flee Hogwarts and the school was now half empty.

"It needs more students, and a lot less death."

"A lot less." Theo agreed, "like maybe none."

Pansy shivered, "it would be nice to have no death in the supposed safest place."

"I wouldn't call it safe anymore."

Astoria nodded her head in agreement, Hogwarts certainly wasn't safe.

"Time for Herbology Astoria!" Theo grasped her shoulder, pulling her to her feet.

"Why are you so enthusiastic to learn about plants?" Draco rolled his eyes at Theo's excitement.

"I just want to be out of this hall," he looked around at the sleeping bags filled with students, "it stinks."

"It's like the Quidditch changing rooms." Blaise plugged his nose, "it's like no one knows how to shower."

"At least the plants are clean," Astoria smiled dramatically, making her way over to the gaggle of students by the door, all waiting for Professor Sprout.

Professor Sprout counted all the students' heads, nodding once she reached her full count, "come on students, let's get out to the Greenhouses, shall we?" She led them out to the lit-up Greenhouses, "now, settle yourselves down," she grinned at the six students who set themselves up at the desks.

"Today we will cover asphodel. When combined with wormwood, powdered root of asphodel produces the Draught of the Living Death. Muggles once believed asphodel grew in the underworld, but the greenhouses will do! Let's begin!" She pulled out a flower, "this is from the lily family - you see it has long slender leaves, these leaves are often used as an ingredient in potions." With a quick move of her wand, six flowers appeared on the tables, on before each student, "please examine the flower and make notes."

Astoria → Draco MalfoyWhere stories live. Discover now