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"I had a marvellous time ruining everything."

By the time it got to their detention on Saturday, it was safe to say Astoria was struggling with the academic pressures. She had been set more essays than she could count on content she could barely understand and had very little time to do them. With detention on Saturday and Quidditch on Sunday, Astoria had simply accepted that she may not be able to get everything done on time, and if by some miracle she did, it would not be to the standard her teachers wanted.

On the morning of the detention, Astoria got up and dressed into her usual weekend attire, a pair of jeans and whatever jumper she could find at the top of her trunk. "Everyone ready?" She looked around the dorm at Daphne and Pansy who simply scowled at her in return. "If you miss this one, McGonagall will just give you two more."

That was enough to prompt the duo to finally get dressed and ready and a few minutes later, they were ready for several hours of humane torture. "If we have to scrub cauldrons I might cry!" Pansy called out as they trundled into the common room.

Theo, Blaise and Draco all leant against the stone fireplace, shooting them a smirk once they entered the common room. "Good morning, ladies! Are we all excited?" Blaise chuckled.

The trio of girls gave a few unimpressed cheers. "You should be more excited, scrubbing cauldrons is a thrilling task."

Astoria rolled her eyes, "Theo why on earth are you so happy this morning?"

He pulled her close into an uncomfortable side hug, "I am just happy to be spending time will you all."

Although he had meant it in a light-hearted way, Astoria understood, they had barely been able to do anything last year together that was something Astoria would want to remember. Her only memories of seeing her friends last year were riddled with flashes of them staring blankly into space or sobbing quietly in the common room after a Defence Against the Dark Arts lesson.

By the time they all arrived at the Potions Classroom, they were somehow late, a fact that Professor Slughorn was all too happy to mention. "Students, you are late! I find that rather confusing considering how close your common room is! Now, I will not be showing any preference towards just merely due to the fact that you are in my house, you will be doing the same punishment as I would give to anyone else."

He leant behind a counter, returning with several large, aged cauldrons. "Miss Parkinson, this appears to be a job for you. Hand in your wand and clean these until they are spotless."

"I cannot believe this!" She protested, nevertheless handing in her wand to Professor Slughorn and taking the cauldrons over to a corner of the classroom.

"Nor can I, Miss Parkinson. I did not expect to be giving detention to six students in my very own house on the first weekend of term, it is rather disappointing I must admit. Now then," he leant again behind his desk, this time revealing a large jar of Flobberworms.

Theo gagged. "I might be sick."

"Well Mr Nott this had originally been a task for you alone but perhaps Mr Zabini can assist you in sorting the good from the unusable in this jar." He held out the jar in one hand, his other hand empty, awaiting their wands.

Theo did not oblige as quietly as Pansy had previously done. "I would rather scrub bedpans! This is child labour!" He grunted and sighed, slamming his wand into Professor Slughorns extended hand. "Blaise you can carry them," he left toward one of the desks at the edge of the classroom and Blaise followed suit, exchanging his wand for the large jar on his way.

"Miss Greengrass-"

Daphne stepped forward. "Which one?"

He looked her up and down, "well you seem to have volunteered so it can be you. You will be collecting everything on this list," he pulled out a piece of parchment, "from Professor Sprout and Hagrid for me to use in lessons next week."

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