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"so i lied and i cried and i watched a part of myself die"

It turned out Astoria was right and the Dementors could sense it. They began getting closer to the castle, hovering and waiting to apprehend anyone that might be dangerous.

It wasn't long after her conversation with Draco that Astoria finally mustered the courage to approach none other than Hermione Granger. As much as she knew Hogwarts was safe, she had been told that one too many times.

"Hi Hermione," her voice waivered, "can I ask you something?"

Hermione turned to face her, using her hands to usher away the gaggle of Gryffindor girls stood around her. "Yes Astoria?" She smiled sweetly, for some reason Astoria found it almost sickly, "what is it?"

"You know a few weeks ago," she paused, leaning herself against the wall, "you mentioned a Patronus..."

Hermione nodded.

"Could-could you maybe teach me how to produce one?" A sigh of relief left her lips as soon as the question was over.

"Is this because of your parents?" She looked around, searching for the rest of the Slytherins, almost expecting them to all be questioning the same, but they were nowhere to be found.

Astoria nodded weakly, "I want to be prepared, just in case."

"I'd be happy to help Astoria," Hermione was kind like that. "Do any of the other Slytherin's want any help?" She knew it was a long shot, but Hermione just wanted to help.

Astoria grimaced, "I doubt it, but I'll let them know you offered, it means a lot."

"Maybe you could convince Theo, he seems to hate me less than the others now," Hermione shrugged her shoulders.

It was a good idea, but there was a small part of Astoria that wanted this to herself. For so many years she had waited in the shadow of her friends and for once, just once, she could have something of her own.

"I'll try," Astoria couldn't lie, she would try, but perhaps not with her fullest efforts.

"Why don't you come up to the Heads Common Room this evening, it will give us somewhere private to practice."

Astoria nodded, "I'll come up after dinner," she smiled at Hermione, "see you then."

Astoria made her way back to the common room with a faint smile. Somehow, in just those short moments, she had forgotten about all her troubles.

"Morning Astoria!" Blaise jumped onto the sofa with a grin.

Astoria chuckled, "why are you so chipper this morning?" It wasn't like Blaise to be in a good mood before the sun hit its peak.

"Well," he smiled, "the Quidditch team is playing spectacularly!"

"Can you even spell that?" Pansy smiled as she entered the room.

Blaise paused, rolling his eyes. His hands moved slowly, spelling out the letters. "Well..." he shook his hands in anger, "it doesn't matter if I can or can't because you know what I can do, I can play Quidditch."

"I think you mean what we can do."

Theo strolled into the room, "is he still bragging?" He looked up at Astoria who nodded in response. "He might be able to play Quidditch but what he can't do, is his Defence Against the Dark Arts essays on time."

"Speaking of that," Pansy began, "I have no idea of any uses of Concealment Charms..."


The Slytherins nodded in agreement, "go and get Daphne and I'll get Draco and we can all meet at the library?" Blaise jumped off the sofa, making his way into the dormitory as Astoria did the same.

Astoria → Draco MalfoyWhere stories live. Discover now