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"he keeps his word"

Astoria spent the rest of the afternoon being escorted around the castle, until she was finally dropped off in the Dungeons for her last lesson of the day: Potions. Alongside Blaise and Draco, she made her way into the classroom and took her usual seat at the back of the classroom.

"Now students," Professor Slughorn entered a few moments later, "I know many of you may have been affected by the earlier news, but alas we must continue learning in order to be ready for your NEWT exams. However, we will go at a slower pace, out or respect for those who may be struggling." He pulled out his blackboard, "today we will be learning about a Wolfsbane Potion. Now I assume you have learnt about lycanthropy in earlier years, what is such condition?"

Ginny Weasley raised her hand, "lycanthropy is a condition which causes the sufferer to turn into a lycanthrope, or werewolf upon the full moon."

"Excellent Miss Weasley," he nodded at her, "and what would the purpose of this potion be?"

"To relieve the symptoms."

He scribbled on the blackboard, "absolutely! And is anyone aware of when one must take the potion?"

This time, Hermione answered, "it must be taken for the entire week prior to the full moon, even one dose being missed would render it useless."

"Wonderful Miss Granger," beamed Slughorn. "Excellent answers everyone," he said, looking at the two Gryffindor students who had answered him.

"Everyone?" Blaise whispered to Draco and Astoria, "I think he means his favourite house."

"Honestly." Astoria rolled her eyes, as much as Slughorn was one of the few Professors to be more lenient with the Slytherin students, he still had preference for other house, a preference he failed to hide.

"Now, the way in which such potion works, is by easing the condition's psychological symptoms, allowing one to hold on to their mental faculties after transformation and thus retain their human consciousness whilst in animalistic physical form, rendering the otherwise dangerous beast into an ordinary, sleepy wolf." He waved his wand over the blackboard, his words writing themselves behind him as he spoke. "Once taken, it can allow wolves to sleep through the transformation and prevent harm-"

"Why doesn't everyone take it then?"

"Excellent question Miss Reynolds," he nodded at the quiet brunette, "the Wolfsbane potion is incredibly expensive to procure! Each ingredient is rather expensive and the potion itself is difficult to make, it will be quite a challenge for us to do next week but I have hopes for you all!" He grinned at the students.

"Didn't Harry Pot-"

This time, Slughorn cut her off, "he did indeed Miss Reynolds! Excellent knowledge - ten points to Ravenclaw!"

Astoria, Blaise and Draco glanced at each other, wide eyed.

"For those who are not aware, Miss Reynolds is referring to Mr Potters efforts to procure free Wolfsbane Potion free for any werewolf who so desires it. He is working with the Ministry I believe in an outreach programme...." Slughorns eyes lit up as he spoke about Harry, as though he was speaking of his own achievements.

Hermione spoke up, "why would someone not want to take it?"

"Some individuals, Miss Granger, believe themselves to be restricted by the potion-"

"Well yes, restricted to not cause harm," she said matter of factly.

"Whilst it might be that way, some lycanthropes feel held back, or as though they are masking who they are when they take the potion. I believe they would much rather roam freely as a wolf, rather than sleep through the transformation. They are very fascinating creatures, might I add, I would love to study one one day." He paused for a moment, "simply fascinating."

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