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"I've never been a natural, all I do is try, try, try."

Astoria knew this term would be different from the moment her last term had ended but only when she stepped off of the Hogwarts Express did, she realise the extent of the difference.

Even putting on her robes felt different, the fabric that had once clung to her body was now loose, barely touching any parts of her skin. The emerald that had once made her eyes sparkle no longer did its job, her eyes instead sunk further into her face.

Another notable difference was the thestrals. Horse like beings that had only ever been seen before by a select few were now admired by almost all students. "Look at them Astoria!" Daphne called out, letting go of her hand and rushing off to admire the thestrals.

But Astoria didn't want to look, she could only see them because of all of the death that she had seen in her previous term. If she looked at the thestrals then it all became real, and she had to accept that they were all really dead.

"Mind if we ride with you?" Ginny asked from behind.

"Sure." Astoria wasn't too keen on the idea, but she couldn't exactly say no. In silence, Hermione, Ginny, Daphne and Astoria made their way onto the carriage, Astoria ensuring that she faced away from the thestrals at all times.

"I wonder what Professor McGonagall will be like as a Headmistress, did you know she's the first one since the 1940s?" Hermione smiled at the Greengrass sisters.

"Not the first one, remember there was Umbridge?" Daphne added.

"Does Umbridge even count? She only lasted a few months and now she's serving life in Azkaban. I don't think being Headmistress really worked out for her." Ginny replied, rolling her eyes as she recalled the experience of being a student under Umbridge's rule.

"You aren't wrong," Astoria added.

Despite the journey to the castle being a long one, the group of girls did not exchange another word until they reached the castle doors. Instead, they simply watched as they passed through the woodlands; all but Astoria admiring the thestrals pulling the carriage.

"Welcome home everyone." Announced Astoria as they arrived at the castle, finally letting go of Daphne's hand as she stepped off of the carriage.

"We'll see you later." Ginny smiled at the pair as she made her way to the Gryffindor table alongside Hermione.

"Just us two now Astoria," Daphne looked back at her sister with a grin. "Let's go and see who else came back any predictions?"

Astoria followed after Daphne as they made their way to the Slytherin table, "I don't know, I doubt there will be many people. None of the Slytherins were particularly academic, any chance to get out of education I am sure they would ta-"

Astoria cut herself off before she had the chance to finish. The Slytherin table was not empty as expected, although it certainly wasn't full like the other house tables, Astoria found herself surprised at the number of students that had returned. She couldn't help but let her mouth fall open at the sight of all the students.

"Close your mouth Greengrass, it isn't really that much of a surprise that we returned." Theodore Nott stated.

"What else were we going to do with ourselves?" Pansy added.

Blaise quickly joined the conversation. "It's not exactly like anybody was lining up to employ us after the war, ex Death Eaters aren't exactly prime employees."

"I don't know what you mean, we're just as employable as Potter and Weasley, did you hear they already have jobs?" Pansy retorted. "I would say we're just as loyal as those lot."

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