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"I can go anywhere I want. Anywhere I want, just not home."

Before Astoria arrived at Kings Cross Station, she transfigured her trunk into something more appropriate for the muggle world: a sleek black suitcase with her initials embossed in gold. Both the Greengrass sisters had begun doing this after Daphne's fourth year when they began realising the peculiar looks, they got from muggles and despite previously being careless, something made them feel more self-conscious than ever before. Especially now, the girls were almost ashamed to be seen with a trunk or have a muggle catch a glimpse of their wand, the very item that started and ended two wars.

Daphne and Astoria held hands as they walked through King's Cross Station, holding onto each other for dear life as they navigated their way through the crowds. Although King's Cross had always been bustling when the sisters went to get the Hogwarts Express, today was a day like no other.

Astoria could feel her thoughts muddling together, as each person passed in front of her, the scene switched, from a busy King's Cross Station to the battlefield in Hogwarts. Her grip tightened on Daphne's hand but even that wasn't enough to bring her back to reality. Astoria was no longer at King's Cross, she was on the battlefield, she was watching her friends die before her and her entire world fall apart. Hooded figures passed her by and each time they did, she felt her scar burning beneath her skin, as though the wound was being inflicted all over again. It felt as though shards of rough glass were tearing apart her skin, poison dripping into and from her open wound. Astoria let go of her suitcase, her hand clasping her arm. As soon as she pulled it away, she saw the blood and not just a little bit. Litres and litres of the warm scarlet liquid trickled down her arm and began dripping into a pool beneath her.

And then she screamed. Astoria screamed as though her body was being torn apart, as though she was watching her friends die, as though her world was ending. She screamed as though this was all happening because it was.

When Astoria fell into the foetal position, she closed her eyes. She knew it wouldn't take it all away, but Astoria would take any relief that she could. Nothing felt real to Astoria. Everything felt as though it was slipping away from her, Astoria was sinking into the ground as her thoughts became louder. She could still feel the blood dripping down her arm, and it didn't appear to be stopping any time soon.

It felt like forever before Astoria could feel Daphne's hand clutching hers again. Astoria opened her eyes, but she still couldn't see clearly. Everything was out of focus, nothing felt really other than Daphne's hand, the coolness of it bringing her a sense of calmness, especially in comparison to the warm blood she had previously felt.

"It's okay Astoria. We are okay." She could hear Daphne whispering into her ear, her voice just loud enough to make out amongst the "We are at King's Cross Station, we're going to get the Hogwarts Express. We are going back to Hogwarts but it's okay, the war is over. Hogwarts is safe."

The war is over. Astoria repeated to herself. She doesn't have to go through it again. Hogwarts is safe.

Astoria lifted her head from her knees slowly. Her hands lifted up to her eyes, wiping away the tears. "I am okay."

"You are okay." Daphne reminded her, taking her hand again. "Are you ready to go? We don't want to miss the train."

Astoria took a deep breath. "We can go now." She took hold of her suitcase with her other hand, using it to lift herself to a standing position. In a few moments, the sisters were on their way again, Daphne clutching onto Astoria's hand with more strength than before.

As the two approached the platform, they gave each other one brief look before increasing their pace and running towards the platform. In an instant, the girls powered through the wall and onto the platform where it all began. Instantly as they entered the platform, their suitcases turned back into their trunks.

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