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"reputation's never been worse"

"Astoria-" Draco reached out to grab her shoulder, but she was gone. Before he could even finish saying her name, she was up on her feet, running towards the west wing as fast as her feet could carry her.

Map in hand, she sprinted down the path past the Black Lake and straight into the west wing. This is it, she thought to herself. There was nowhere to hide in the west wing, it wasn't like the armoury, there was nowhere for Emelda to hide herself.

"What the-" Her eyes widened as she rushed into the corridor.

Emelda wasn't there.

Astoria looked at the three people she could see, but neither one of them was who she was looking for. "Where..." She began, thinking aloud, none of this was making sense. None of it added up- it was just like last time. On the map, someone was there, but when she arrived, there was nothing.

"And who might you be?" A tall man stared her down, pushing his glasses back up his nose.

"Astoria Greengrass."

"Miss Greengrass, might we assist you in any way?" He peered behind him at the two women who inspected her with equal confusion.

She tilted her head, she didn't have the map in her hand, she had forgotten to pick it up. Right now, she had nothing. "Have you seen someone go past you? She has dark skin, red hair..."

"No." He shook his head.

The two women behind him shook their heads in agreement, "nothing here."

"Astoria-" She turned to see Draco rushing in the door, placing his hand on her shoulder.

"Is that all? We ought to head out."

Astoria nodded; her brows furrowed. "Draco what the-?"

"It doesn't make sense," he pulled out the map as the trio of Ministry officials made their way away from them. "She's still here."

But everywhere she looked, there was nothing, "Emelda?" She called out, hoping, praying for something. No one responded, not even one of the Ministry officials turning to look at her.

"Could it be..." Draco paused, thinking, "some kind of potion?"


"How does that work with this map? Would it show up?"

Astoria bit her lip; she had no idea. If only Hermione were here to help her now.

"I don't know." She shook her head, "I don't know." She could feel the tears in her eyes, "it doesn't make sense, it doesn't make any sense."

Draco reached out to comfort her, but before he had a chance, one of the Ministry officials returned, "what is that?" He nodded his head at the piece of parchment in Draco's hand.

"Mischief Managed," Astoria whispered as quietly as she could, tapping her wand on the parchment and taking it in her hands. "It's supposed to be an essay for Charms," she lied as easily as she could, "but I haven't started yet."

The man took the piece of parchment in his hands, "interesting." He inspected it, "if this is to become a Charms essay, then why has it begun to insult me? Mr Moony appears to consider me a dislikeable person." He tiled the map, so the text was just visible, "he seems to have an interest in my bulbous nose."

Astoria held in a chuckle, "it's a joke, you, see?"

"You do know what a joke is?" Draco pressed the man, "may we have the parchment back please?"

Astoria → Draco MalfoyWhere stories live. Discover now