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"no body no crime"

On the morning of the trial, Astoria awoke with a start. After two weeks of heavy sleep, she had drifted into an uneasy slumber, one plagued with the nightmares she had tried so hard to fight off.

In the early morning, she trawled downstairs to the kitchen to make herself a coffee, knowing she would need the energy.

"Good morning, Miss Greengrass," Dippy waved at her with a smile, "you're up very early."

"Yes, apologies Dippy!" She knew that Dippy liked to use the morning for herself. "I'll just make a coffee and go upstairs."

"No no!" Dippy protested, "let Dippy make you a coffee! Please sit down." She beckoned Astoria to the seat in the kitchen, Astoria  willingly obliging.

"You know, it's the trial today..." she trailed off.

"Dippy thinks all will be well," she flicked her fingers, a steaming coffee appearing before her. Dippy pushed the coffee towards Astoria, "here you are."

"Thank you," Astoria smiled, taking a sip from the steaming cup. "Did any of your old masters ever have a trial with the Wizengamot?"

"Dippy was once instructed to retrieve evidence for a trial. Dippy did as she was asked."

"When was this?"

"Many years ago Miss Astoria." She shook her head, "Dippy has not interacted with the Wizengamot in a long time."

Astoria shook her head, "never mind then."

"Good morning, Astoria," said Blaise, reaching his hands over her shoulders and taking her coffee. "Nice of you to make me a drink."

She rolled her eyes, "any time Blaise."

Shortly, Daphne joined them in the kitchen. "Couldn't sleep either, could you?"

Blaise and Astoria shook their heads.

"I'm nervous, how does it even work?" Astoria said as she made herself another coffee. "I've never been to a trial before."

"I assume they'll just ask us questions..." Blaise placed a hand on his head, "but they'll definitely be trying to get us to go against Mr Malfoy."

Daphne took her sister's hand, "we just have to tell the truth."

"What time should we leave?"

"If the trial starts at ten, we should get there early," began Astoria, "maybe we apparate at nine thirty?"

"Sounds good."

Blaise nodded, "I'll go and get ready." He finished up his coffee before leaving the kitchen.

An hour later, all three congregated in the kitchen, ready for the trial.

"Good luck," said Theo as they waltzed out the door, waving.

Astoria slid her wand into her pocket, reaching out her hand to the pair. Blaise and Daphne both took her cold hand in theirs, taking a deep breath in as they apparated away into the streets of London.

"Merlin," announced Daphne as her feet landed on the cobbled ground, "I forgot how ill that made me feel."

Astoria clutched her stomach, "me too."

As much as they appreciated their ability to apparate, the Greengrass sisters had still been unable to perfect this skill, leading to unwanted nausea every time.

"I'm immune to the sickness!" Blaise said proudly, with a grin.

"Let's go inside," Daphne nodded, leading them into a small red telephone box.

Astoria → Draco MalfoyWhere stories live. Discover now