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"Hell was the journey but it brought me heaven."

For the entire evening after their detention, Draco didn't speak a single word to Astoria, he barely even spoke to Blaise or Theo, despite their best attempts.

"Merlin, I am so glad detention is over!" Pansy exclaimed from her bed, stretching her arms out with a yawn.

Astoria clambered onto the bed beside her, "at least you got to leave early!"

"How bad was it after we all left?"

She considered telling them the truth, but something in her heart stopped her, "it was boring, but I am still definitely better off than Blaise or Theo, us girls got off much better in terms of detention!"

Pansy cheered, "sometimes, I do enjoy sexism."

"Are you both coming to Quidditch trials tomorrow?" Daphne asked the pair.

"I might try out for Beater!"

Astoria's eyes widened, "well, you certainly have the aggression they need,"

"Hey!!" Exclaimed Pansy, squaring up on instinct.

"And that," she gestured to Pansy's stance, "is exactly what I am talking about."

"I have to agree, Pansy you do have the talents they usually want in a Beater," Daphne added, avoiding mentioning Pansy's violent streaks during her previous years at Hogwarts. "Well I think I might go for a Chaser!"

"Really Daphne?" Astoria's eyes widened; the pair hadn't played Quidditch in years.

"Yes, I think so," she nodded, "I think Quidditch would do us good this year."

"I think you're right Daphne."

"We all need something good this year and I think it's going to be Quidditch, why don't you join us Astoria?" Pansy asked with an uncharacteristic smile, "it might be food for you too."

Astoria had previously considered trying out for the Slytherin Quidditch Team, but her lack of coordination had never made it seem like too good an idea. "I think I'll pass, Quidditch isn't really my thing."

Pansy glanced over at her with a puzzled expression, "what on Earth is your thing then Astoria?"

"Astoria likes her Astronomy Club," Daphne chimed in, "you'll keep doing that this year, won't you?"

"Probably, unless the workload gets too much with our NEWT exams." Astoria liked the idea of returning to Astronomy club, it had been difficult to keep going once the Carrows took over Hogwarts, it was one of the few clubs they allowed to remain open, but Astoria still feared them too much to attend. Every club was overseen by either Alecto or Amycus and although she was a Slytherin, she wanted to avoid being near them at all costs.

"Well, goodnight, Astoria, I'm hitting the hay now!" Pansy laid herself down on her bed with a yawn, "we'll all have to be up early for Quidditch tomorrow, even you Astoria, we need the moral support."
Astoria let out a loud sigh.
Daphne threw a soft pillow her, "hey! We would wake up early for you, show us some love and do the same for us!"
"I will, I will!" She insisted.

"Night Daphne and Astoria,"


"Night everyone."

With that, their lights went out and the trio fell into an uneventful slumber. And when the girls awoke, they were ready to face the day, fresh faced with gentle smiles.

"Why do the Quidditch trials have to be so early?" Pansy sighed, stretching out across her bed, "I am going to eat so many breakfast."

"Don't eat too much, we don't want you being sick!" Daphne warned her, recalling several events in which Pansy had certainly eaten too much.

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