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"all the beautiful times"

When Astoria awoke, she felt content. Perched by her window, she  watched as the sun bloomed on the horizon, petals of gold stretching out into the blues. She watched as it blossomed across the sky, creating artwork.

With her friends by her side, she made her way into the Great Hall for one final breakfast.

"Good morning, everyone!" She called out with a smile to Theo, Blaise, Pansy, Daphne and Draco who sat at the Slytherin table, equipped in their Quidditch uniforms.

"It's a good day, isn't it?" Draco asked, kissing her on the cheek as she took her seat.

Blaise grinned, "good day to beat some Gryffindors!" He tucked into his porridge rapidly, "I need some energy for this."

"Don't be too aggressive!" Astoria warned him, "I'd rather not have to spend my final night in the castle up in the Hospital Wing."

"Occupational hazard, Astoria," he nodded his head, " it is what it is."

Daphne shook her head, "I would say it's more of a hazard when you two are involved." She glanced over at Pansy and Blaise, "I think you bring the violence."

"If Draco's back on the pitch," Theo began with a smirk, "I don't think it will be Blaise and Pansy who cause injury."

Draco feigned upset, "how dare you? I have not a violent bone on my body."

Astoria laughed, "I might not have seen much Quidditch, but I heard the common room talk after you liar!"

"I have no idea how you managed it, "Pansy said between mouthfuls of her porridge, "you shouldn't even touch another player as a Seeker."

"I'll pay extra close attention to him." Daphne nodded at him, "can't let him ruin our final match with violence.

"Ah" he nodded, "because Slytherin notoriously isn't a violent Quidditch team!" He rolled his eyes, "but I'll be extra nice, just for you."

"Let's get going then!" Pansy stood up at the end of the table, "we have a house cup to win."

All the Slytherin students nodded around her, quickly following suit.

"Let's bloody go!"

"See you soon Astoria!" Her sister gave her a quick embrace, following after Pansy out of the Great Hall.

Astoria turned to face Draco with a grin, "good luck. You know," she wrapped her arms around him, "I'm proud of you." Astoria was surprised that Draco had agreed to play in the final match, let alone that he had managed to get into his uniform, and not pulled out. "Do me proud," she leaned in, giving him a kiss on the cheek.

"Always." He smiled back at her as he pulled away from the hug, "see you soon."

She watched as he walked out of the Great Hall, making her way over to Hermione Granger, who sat on the opposite end of the room. "Hi Hermione," she smiled at the girl. "Are you watching the Quidditch match today?"

"I do suppose so," she smiled back. "Ron's been wanting me to get a bit more into it. Would you care to watch together? Ginny is playing so it will be nice to have someone with me."

Astoria nodded, "that would be perfect!" It was exactly why she had come over; she was hoping for some company during the match, and she would rather it be with someone she now considered a friend.

"Let's walk down to the pitch then, we should get some good seats." Hermione closed her book, sliding it into her pocket and leading the way down the path out of the castle.

Astoria → Draco MalfoyWhere stories live. Discover now