I Love You (BSM)

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hello everyone! I'm back! I was so stupid thinking I was just going to leave like that. I just love this book way to much to stop writing it, and I love writing it because I love getting all the amazing messages and comments saying how you guys are enjoying my work. I am so sorry for not updating in so long, I had a major writers block. Comment or message me if you have any ideas for upcoming imagines.

Taylor (age: 15)

You were out with some friends on a Friday night, and you were dropping your last friend off at her house.

"Are you sure you don't want me to walk you home y/n? It's really dark out here," your friend said, standing in the driveway of her house.

"Don't worry y/f/n, I'll be fine. I'll see you at school," you waved and started running down the sidewalk.

You texted Taylor, and updated him on when you would be home,

To Taylor: I'll be home in 15 min, ok?

From Taylor: Ok whatever, idc.

You and Taylor used to have such a strong brother, sister relationship as kids, but as you two got older, your relationship had drifted apart. You two didn't do anything together, only if it was by force. So you kind of knew that answer from him was coming.

You continued walking along the dark and quiet sidewalk. You felt a weird feeling, like you were being watched. You turned around and saw no one.

You kept walking, your heart beating faster every step you took. You turned around once again and again, saw no one. But once you turned back around, you bumped into someone. You looked up and saw a tall, buff man, dressed in all black, with a black mask covering his face.

"What are you doing out here so late at night little lady," the mans voice boomed.

"U-uh I-i was just on my way h-home s-sir," you stuttered, afraid of what he might do to you.

"Well, we're gonna go on a little detour," he hissed.

"Yes, we," the man picked you up and started running. You kicked, screamed and punched, but nothing worked.

"Let me go right now!"
"And why would I do that?"
You were now full on crying. You wanted Taylor to be here, but sadly he wasn't.

The man had brought you to alley and threw you against a wall. You looked up and and saw 2 other guys appear from behind a dumpster.

"W-what do you guys want?!" You said helplessly.

"Oh we don't want anything...except for one thing, we want you dead!" The main leader said.

"What?! Why?!"

Your phone had gone off, it was from Taylor...

From Taylor- Where are you? You should have been home 15 minutes ago.

You ignored his text, you were to scared to even be thinking about replying back.

"We've been watching you for some time now y/n Caniff, and you think you run this world just because you have a famous family, but that's not true, not true one bit," he said stepping closer.

Stocker or naw?

"Now since we're so sick of your little attitude, were gonna get rid of it... forever!" They all laughed evilly.

"No!" You cried.

"Hey! What do you think your doing?" A voiced yelled.
A bright light flashed in your face, realizing that you had been rescued by the cops.

The men dashed away in all different directions. All 3 of them were tackled to the ground and immediately arrested.

"Come on sweetie, were going to take you back to the police station and call a family member to come pick you up," the cop gently said.

"Ok thank you."


"Y/n Caniff, your brother Taylor is on his way to come pick you up," the cop said.

"Ok thank you."

He nodded, "Oh wait, sir?" you said.


"Um, who were those guys that kidnapped me?"

"Louis Walker, Henry Fowler, and Bo Zimmerman. Those men have been running around this town for about 4 months now. Stealing money, kidnapping people, and caused a shooting in the middle of town. But now we've finally caught them."

"What are you going to do with them?"

"I'm not aloud to tell you that ma'am, but I do know, you don't need to worry," he smiled gently.

"Oh ok, well that's good."

The cop smiled and walked away.

You heard the sound of doors opening, and saw your brother Taylor standing there.


You both ran to each other, and engulfed in a big hug, "Oh my gosh Y/n I love you, I love you so much! I'm so sorry I haven't been there for you when you needed me. I'm so sorry, I'm so sorry. Your the best sister ever," he cried.

You had been waiting for those words to come out of your brothers mouth ever since, you were 13, when y'all drifted apart.

"I love you too Taylor."

"Are you sure your ok?" He asked worriedly.

"I'm fine, but don't go all over protective on me now."

"I may have too, since you were kidnapped and almost close to death!" He chuckled.

You laughed, "I'm really glad your ok y/n," he smiled.

"Thank you for caring about me again."

"Y/n I always cared about you and I always will, why would you think that I stopped caring for you?"

"Because all these years, I've been wanting to fix our broken brother sister relationship. And to me, it didn't look like you wanted to fix it, so I just pushed it aside."

"I've been wanting to fix it too. I was just afraid that you didn't want too, since you were so happy with all of your friends. But starting tomorrow, we're going to fix that, so be ready," he smiled.

"Yay!!" You cheered.

"Now let's go home," he said putting his arm around you.

You two left the police station and headed home.

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