When You Two Fight (BSM)

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Nash- When you and Nash fight, he'll let you talk and he'll listen. When it's his turn to talk, he'll yell rude things in your face, something's get to you, other don't. Once the argument is over, you two give each other silent treatment for a couple hours. When arguing, you act as the bigger person, you would be the first one to say sorry. Once you came to apologize he would forgive you in an instant and you two would hang out for the rest of the day.

Taylor- When arguing, you two will constantly be yelling and screaming in each other faces. Swearing in almost every sentence. Once the yelling part would be over, you two would avoid seeing each other for as long as possible. You two would be very stubborn and not apologize. As time went by, he would come back and apologize holding a container of ice cream and movies. You would accept is apology and watch movies for the rest of the day.

Cameron- You and Cam would rarely ever fight since you two got along so well, but when you did, it would be over very simple things. Like who ate the lasagna (lol), who gets to watch tv, etc. You two wouldn't yell at each other, you would just argue back and forth simple yes's and no's. But in the end, you two would forget what you two were arguing about in the first place.

Matthew- You two would yell at each other non stop. You were a very sensitive person, so harsh words got to you easily. When it came to arguing, your goal was not to cry, but sometimes it would be hard. During an argument, if he ever saw your eyes start to get glossy or tears fall he would drop the argument immediately and hug you tightly, apologizing for all the things he said to you.

Carter- Non stop cursing. Curse words every 10 seconds. At some points some simple pushes and shoves would be involved. You two would then go to your mom and ask her about the whole argument. She would respond by saying you two had to work this out. So you two would just drop the subject, and continue on with your lives, not even saying a simple sorry to each other.

Shawn- Like Cameron, you and Shawn would rarely fight. You two would have yes and no arguments over stupid things, like, "Shawn I don't want no ravioli nigga," Yes you do!"

Hayes- Hayes would let you do all the talking during the argument. He would let you rant on to whatever you two were fighting about for as long as you wanted. Once you were done, he would randomly apologize and leave the room like nothing ever happened.

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