Matt BSM (Summer)

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Matt (age: 15)

Summer's POV:

Well first things first, I'm the realest. Lol. My name is Summer Espinosa, and I have an older brother...the Matthew Espinosa. He can be a pain most of the time, but he's my best friend.

I was in my room, in my pajamas listening to music and eating breakfast when Matt barged in.

"Would it hurt you to knock?" I snapped.

"Nah not really, but I just wanted to let you know that Nash and Cam are coming over." he replied back leaving my room

My eyes lit up and jumped out of bed and started to get ready.

My outfit

~ crop top that says "Can You Not"

~ripped high wasted shorts

~white keds

I looked out the window and saw Nash and Cameron walking up the driveway.

Cam and Nash were Matt's best friends, I considered Cam as a friend, but Nash is a whole different story.

His perfect ocean blue eyes and his hair flowed just the right way it's just GAWGOUS.

I could hear them talking downstairs and I walked down the stairs acting as casual as possible.

The room grew silent and Cam looked at me and smirked. I simply smiled back and went into the kitchen. I felt a pair of eyes watching me so I turned around and saw Nash standing in the doorway.

"Oh hi Nash."

"Hey Summer."

An awkward silence grew between us, I couldn't help but stare and he apparently noticed.

"Um Summer, I have to tell you something."

"Ok shoot."

"Well, I have liked you for a really long time and we have grown really close as friends, I was wondering if you like, you know, wanted to be my girlfriend?"

I was shocked. Nash liked me?! OH MY GOSH!!

"I would love to be your girlfriend, Nash." I said simply, but on the inside, I was fangirling like crazy.

We both walked out into the living room where Cam and Matt were on their phones.

Cam looked up and approached me.

"Oh Summer, I have to tell you something."

Oh no. This could be bad.

"Summer, your the most beautiful girl in the world, and I was wondering if you would make my world complete and be my girlfriend."

Nash's jaw dropped and his fists clenched tightly.

I stood frozen in complete shock.

"I'm sorry Cameron, but I have a boyfriend already."

"Who?!" Matt asked confused.


Nash smirked, Matt's jaw dropped, and Cameron looked sad and confused.

Matt grabbed my arm and pulled me upstairs into his room and slammed the door close.

He stepped really close to me and I was a little bit scared.

"Why didn't you tell me you and Nash were dating!" he yelled.

"He just asked me out in the kitchen Matt, and back up, your all in my space!" you snapped back at him.

"Oh shut up Summer. He's my best friend and you know it, and by the way, he's a player. He's kissed almost every girl in school. "

You couldn't believe what Matt just said. Nash, a player? Something in my gut had told me that Nash was a good person and trustworthy, so you ignored Matt's words.

"Your not in charge of me Matt! I can date whoever the fuck I want so..."

Then I felt a burn on my cheek. Matt had just slapped me.

"Bitch" he mumbled

I looked at him with tears at the brim of my eyes.

"Matt... did you just?" you said quietly.

He looked at me and stood in complete shock.

"Summer, I didn't mean too. I'm so sorry", he said wanting to hug me but I flinched and he noticed it.

I ran out of the door and out of the house. Cam and Nash were not there, so I supposed they had gone home.

I ran into my back yard deep in the woods to Matt and I's old treehouse. I climbed up and cried into my hands.

My brother, the Matt that I thought was always so happy and caring, had just slapped me across the face and called me a bitch. Was I a bitch?

I heard some footsteps in the bush's but I didn't care I just wanted to cry.

I heard someone start climbing up the latter and soon saw someone peak in the entrance...Matt.

I ignored him as he tried to talk to me.

"Summer, you may not ever forgive me but, I'm so sorry that I hit you. I over reacted and should had never hit you. I'm so sorry." he said

I glanced over at him and looked into his eyes. They were read and puffy, had he been crying?

"But you called me a bitch" I said barely above a whisper.

"You are so not a bitch! I took my anger out on you and I'm sorry. Your the best little sister ever. I was just scared that Nash would break my sisters heart...and I don't want that to happen."

I looked at him and thought for a moment. 'He really does care for me. He was just nervous, I think I know what I have to do.'

"I forgive you Matt."

His face lit up and he hugged me so tight I started to grow pale.

We sat and hugged each other for about 10 minutes just watching the sun set.

"You know I regret that whole argument we had." he said rocking me back in forth

"Me too, I hope we never fight like that again."

"Me too sis, me too."


here you go Summer! I hope that you liked it.


Requests are still open, but not for much longer. So if you want one, DM or comment it.

KK bye

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