He Comforts You (DDM)

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Taylor (age: 11)
You were on your way to school, since you missed the bus and your parents had both already gone to work, so you walked.

Once you arrived you walked to your locker and and began to grab your stuff for your 1st period.

As you were about done, your locker suddenly closed on your hand and your screeched in pain. It was the sixth grade popular girl p/g/n.

"What the heck p/g/n!?" You yelled.
"Just because your the daughter of a famous person, doesn't mean your special and all that," she snapped.

You were shocked. You knew you weren't all that. All you were was a normal eleven year old girl, who's dad was Taylor Caniff.

P/g/n grabbed you by the hair and threw you to the ground kicking your stomach and face.

"Your worthless, why would your dad ever keep a daughter like you! Your just a worthless bag of nothing! Garbage, that's all you are!" She spat, and walked away to class.

You lay in the middle of the hallway, weak and bruises all over your body.
You began to sit up, your body in pain.
You stood on your two feet and left the school.

~skip to after walk home~

You finally made it home. You made your way up to your room, weak and in pain.

Your fell on your bed and began to cry.
P/g/n was right, you were a worthless bag of nothing. Why would your dad Taylor, keep some one like you. You were...garbage.

"Y/n, are you here?" A voice said, your dad.
"In my room, dad," you replied softly.
Footsteps approached the door, and it opened. There stood your dad in his work clothes, but with a bright orange bandana in his hair.

"Y/n, your teacher called me and told me that you weren't at school today. Why?" He asked sitting on your bed.

"Cause I didn't feel well," you lied.
He felt your forehead,
"y/n you feel perfectly normal. What's really wrong?"

You burst out in tears. You couldn't hold them back anymore, "Dad, the kids at school bully me! Today, p/g/n slammed my hand in my locker and beat me to the ground. I covered up all the bruises with make up as soon as I got home. And dad, I cut. I cut my wrist because I feel like no one loves me! I'm a worthless piece of nothing!" You cried into your dad's chest.

He grabbed your face and lifted to where your eyes both met, "y/n why didn't you tell me any of this before?"

"I thought you wouldn't care..." you whispered.

"Y/n your my daughter, of course I care. You should have told me about this, because bullying is a serious situation, and some people even take their own lives from it. I don't want to lose my baby girl." a tear slipped out of his eye.

"Don't cry dad," you smiled.

He wiped the tear away quickly, "let me see your wrists."

You lifted up your sleeves from your sweater, and his eyes grew wide.

More tears spilled out of his eyes, "My little girl. Cutting. I'm a terrible father!"

"Dad don't say that! Your the best dad in the world. You were there for me when no one else was. You were there when mom left. Your amazing," you hugged him.

"Thank you sweetie," he kissed your cheek.

"Now look at me. I don't want you cutting any part of your body ever again. Your too beautiful to be doing that, and anything else you want to tell me, don't be scared to ask, ok?"

"Ok dad," you smiled.

He lifted your arm up and kissed every one of your scars and cuts.

"I love you daddy, thank you so much for being here for me. I love you," you said looking up at him.

"I love you too baby, I don't want ever see my little girl in pain," he kissed your forehead.

~skip to night time~

After you had your talk with your dad, it was time to get ready for bed.

You weren't going to school tomorrow, just because your dad wanted you here with him for the day.

"Y/n you ready for bed?" He asked peaking in your bed room.


He walked in and tucked you in, "Have a goodnight sleep, ok?"

"Ok dad. I love you."

"Love you too beautiful," he kissed your forehead and left.

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