Babysitting (BSM)

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Cameron (age: 11)

"Y/N, Cameron, please come downstairs for one second!" your mom called.

You groaned and got up from your bed and lazily went downstairs.

"Yes mother," you two said in sync.

"Your father and I have to go on another business trip. It's all the way in Cuba so we'll be gone for about 2 months. So Cameron, I need you too watch your sister while we're gone."

Both of your eyes widened, "Mom I can't watch y/n for two months! I need to live my life, not be her babysitter," Cameron argued.

"Mom, I can't be stuck with Cameron for two months! I can barely survive a day of being home alone with him," You argued back.

"I'm sorry kids, but that's the way it's going to be. Well our plane leaves in an hour so we need to head off to the airport. I love you guys," she kissed our cheeks.

"Please try to get along," she said closing the front door and locking it.

It was now just you and Cam.No one else. A boy and a girl. A brother and a sister.

This was gonna be a long two months.

*fast forward*

Two months had past by, and they were probably the best 2 months of your life.

Your 12th birthday has pasted, and even though it was only you and Cam to be there to celebrate it, it was the best birthday ever.

You and Cam had went to Six Flags, Disney Land, took a small trip to Florida for a week, went to go see Shawn perform in L.A, and met up with all the boys.

But today was the day your parents were coming home and you would probably be going back to avoiding each other as much as possible.

You sat at the kitchen table as you ate a sandwich and Cameron got a glass of water.

"You know what y/n," he said.

You looked up from your phone, "what."

"I think we should hang out more often, your cooler than I thought you were."

"You didn't think I was cool!"

"Nope!" he said popping the p

"Well over the two months, I proved to you that I can be cool," you smirked.

"Hello, I'm home! Where are my previous little babies!" your mom yelled.

"In the kitchen!" Cameron yelled back.

"Aww I missed my little angels so much!" she hugged squishing our faces against each other.

"So how were you two? Did you get along with each other?" she said hopefully.

"Most annoying person on this planet!" I yelled, giving a small smirk to him.

"She's a total loser!" he smirked back.

Your mom gave you a straight face and left the kitchen.

"Well see ya at Taylor's house this weekend, sis!"

"See ya there, bro!" you two waved and each went your separate ways.

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