Secret Boyfriend (BSM)

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Cameron (age: 13)

You were in the middle of an amazing dream, when your alarm clock went off.
Ugh school. You hit the alarm button and began to get ready for school.

You didn't really care about how you looked, but you didn't want look ugly enough so that your boyfriend would think you were an ogre. Your secret boyfriend to be exact.

You were dating one of the most popular kids in school, Y/BF/N. He was so sweet, caring, and just gorgeous.

All your friends knew you two were dating except for one person, Cameron.
Your brother Cameron thought you were way to young to be dating. You understand that he didn't want you to get hurt, but it's your life, not his.

You finished getting ready for school, wearing: grey sweatpants, a Cameron Dallas sweatshirt, your hair in a messy bun, and white vans, with light make up.


You arrived at school and went to your locker to meet your boyfriend.

"Hey Y/N!" A voice said.

You turned around to see your boyfriend running towards you.

"Hey babe!" You replied back.

"Happy 3 month anniversary!" He said pulling a box of chocolates and bouquet of roses from behind his back.

"Oh my gosh, they're beautiful! I love you so much!" You two kissed.

"Oh but I feel so bad, I left my gift for you back at home," you said with your head down.

"Don't worry babe, the only gift I need is you."

A bunch of awes were heard in the background.


You were at your locker, getting your things for 5th and 6th period, when your heard a voice, "Y/N DALLAS WHAT IS THIS?!"

It was Cameron. Oh no.
He stomped towards you, holding his phone in front of him. He stopped and stood in front of you and you looked at the screen.

It was a picture of you and y/bf/n kissing. Some idiot had posted it on Twitter.

You stood in silence, not knowing what to say, "Y/N you are way too young to date. What if that boy tries to hurt you? what if he cheats?" Cameron questioned.

"Cam, y/bf/n would never do that, I trust him."

"And how do you know that he's trustworthy?!"

"I've been dating the boy for 3 months!" You yelled in his face.

His face soon, grew red and hard, "break up with him," he said flatly.

"What? No."

"Break up with him. NOW," he said more sternly.

"No. I'm tired of you trying to be the boss of my life, when my life is completely under my control. I know y/bf/n, we have been dating for 3 stinkin months, and those 3 months have been the best months in my life! Stop trying to interfere with all my relationships, like you have done with all the other ones!" You yelled, and stomped off.


You finally arrived back home from school when you got a text from your boyfriend.

Y/bf/n- Hey Y/N! You make it home ok?

You- Yep. I love you.

Y/bf/n- Yay! Love you two beautiful❤️

What was wrong with this kid? Nothing, and Cameron is trying to break you two apart, you were not going to let that happen.

You went up to your room, changed your clothes, did your homework and relaxed. Later on, you heard the front door open, probably Cameron.

You ignored the footsteps, and continued to focus on the TV screen. There was knock on your door, but you ignored it. The annoying knocking came back seconds later.
You groaned, "Ugh what do you want?"

"Can I come in?" The voice said.

"I don't know, can you?"

The door opened, it was Cameron.

"Ugh it's you," you rolled your eyes.

"Look, Y/N, I want to talk to you about this whole boyfriend thing," he sat in your bed.

"Cameron, I don't care what you say. Y/BF/N and I are very happy together and I don't care what you say, I'm not breaking up with him," you said sternly.

Before he could reply, your boyfriend walked in.

"Hey y/-. Oh hey Cameron," he said holding a bag of chips, blankets, and a handful of old movies.

"Hi y/bf/n," Cam said back.

"Y/n are you ready for our movie date? I brought everything you like," he smiled.

"Movie date?!" Cam said surprised.

"Yeah Cam, is that a problem?" You smiled acting innocent.

"Uh well, y/bf/n, can I speak with you, alone?," Cam asked.

"No, if you want to say something to him, you'll say it to me too," your interrupted.

"I'm do not want you two to have your movie night tonight, or any other night. I'm not comfortable with you dating my sister. You two will break up right here, right now," he said sternly.

Your jaw dropped, "What?! No!"

"Y/N Dallas, do it now, or I'm telling mom and dad!"

You especially didn't want your parents to find out, so I guess it needed to be done.

"Y/bf/n, I'm sorry, but I have to break up with you," you said with your down.

"Oh, I understand y/n. Can I at least have one more hug?" He asked.

You turned to Cam, and he nodded his head with his arms crossed.

You two hugged, tears on the brim of your eyes, "Meet me at the park tomorrow after school, babe. I don't care what he says, I'm not loosing you," he whispered in your ear.

You two pulled away, and you smirked to yourself.

"See you later y/n," he said leaving.
"See ya y/bf/n."


Hello Marshmallows!

I apologize in advance for not updating in such a long time, but hey I'm back.

I was having such a huge mind block, but today, I finally came up with some ideas.

Well happy late Thanksgiving, and happy early Christmas!

I'm so excited for Christmas, and for my birthday, which is the same as Nash's. Wow he'll be 17...noooooo😭
And I'll be 14.

Since I'll be off for two weeks after this week, I'll be updating a lot then.

So Ya, KK bye!

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