When He Gets Hate (BSM)

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Carter (age: 15)

You and your older brother Carter were sitting on the couch watching a movie and occasionally he would check his phone.

At one point of the movie, Carter through his phone across the room and hit the wall. It startled you.

"Carter, are you ok?!" you asked jolting up trying to comfort your brother.

"LEAVE ME ALONE OK!!" He yelled in your and running upstairs.

You stepped backwards and watched as he ran up the stairs and locking him self in his room.

About 10 minutes later, you heard small cries from Carter room. You tip toed upstairs and took the bobby pin out of your hair and opened Carter's locked bedroom door.

All the lights were off and you saw Carter laying on his bed crying.

"Carter, are you ok?" you whispered.

No answer. You walked closer and touched his back. His head jolted up and his eyes were red and puffy. He had been crying.

"Carter what's wrong!" you said hugging him.

"The hate y/n. I just can't take it anymore!" He said bawling into your shoulder.

You two both cried together. You hated to see him like this.

"Carter, your a great guy, and an amazing brother. To all those people giving you hate, their jealous of you. They are just trying to get attention. Don't listen to them. You have so many fans that are there for you. That's what fans do, they stick up for the people they love."

He sat there quietly, and soon a smile grew on his face.

"Your right y/n, thanks, your the best sister ever." he said hugging you.

"Now how about we go finish that movie, and not let any social media ruin our Friday night." you said said grabbing his hand and dragging him downstairs.

"Sounds like a good idea."

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