You Graduate High School (DDM)

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Cameron (age: 18)

You had been waiting for this day ever since you started the 9th grade. You did it. You had finally made it through those 4 years of high school.

You were finally, standing behind the curtain in your schools auditorium. You peeked to see probably 2000 people sitting out in the seats, you tried to find your dad, mom, and little brother and sister, until you found them sitting in the 7th row.

Soon, the ceremony began, and you were the next person to walk onto the stage. The person in front of you was your best friend Y/BF/N. She looked back at you behind the curtain and smiled.

Soon, your name was called. "Y/N Dallas, graduate of 2014."

You walked onto the stage and looked to see your family jumping up and down in the audience, while other people stared at them. You shook your principal's hand and took your diploma and walked off the stage. You had done it, you graduated high school.


You walked out to find your family, and soon saw them and ran into their arms.

You noticed one person was missing, your dad Cameron.

"Ohhhh sweetie I'm so proud of you!" your mom cried and kissed you cheek.

"Thank you mom."

"Sissy! Sissy!" your little brother cried.

"Hey buddy." you said picking him up.

"Will you be leaving soon?" he asked.

"Yes, but I'm gonna visit you whenever I can. That sound good?"

"Sounds amazing!" he yelled squirming out of your arms.

"Where's dad?"

"Oh he had to take your sister to the bathroom." your mom replied.

About 5 minutes later, you saw Cameron walking towards you with a huge smile on his face.

"Dad!" you yelled jumping into his arms. You cried into his shoulders.

He set you down and looked into your eyes. You were a little on the short side so he towered over you a little bit.

He stroked your cheek and said, "My baby girl is all grown up now, I remember when you were first born, I knew you were going to grow up to be the beautiful young lady you are."

You hugged him once again, and cried into his chest.

"Daddy, I love you." you whispered.

"I love you too y/n" he said kissing your forehead.

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