Daughter's First Date (DDM)

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•This was requested by @queen_maddy•

Nash (your age: 17)

Maddy's POV:

Oh my gosh, I am so excited for tonight! I'm going on my first date with my boyfriend Spencer. We have been friends for about 2 years, then he finally had the guts to ask me out, which was a surprise because I never knew he liked me.

"Ok, I got to figure out what I'm gonna wear."

"Hey Maddy."

"Oh hey mom."

"Getting ready for your date I see." She smirked.

"Yes, I'm so nervous, yet so excited."

"Just remember Maddy, don't rush into this relationship, just take your time ok?"

"Ok mom,"

She walked out the door.

After I showered, did my make-up and curled my hair, I had finally decided on white dress that stopped at a little below my knees, a light sweater, and some cow girl boots.

"It's almost 6:30, Spencer will be here any minute now." I rushed down the stairs and waited on the couch for my date to arrive, until my dad walked in.

Nash's POV:

I was in the middle of making dinner, when Maddy comes running down the stairs and plops herself down on the couch looking nervous as ever.

"Why is Maddy dressed up so nice?" I asked my wife Louise.

"Didn't she tell you? Maddy is going out on a date with her boyfriend Spencer tonight." She replied.

I was in complete shock. My little girl is too young to be dating. Why didn't she tell me she got a boyfriend? Why didn't she tell me that she was going on a date?

I walked out to the living room, where Maddy waited for her so called 'boyfriend' to arrive.

"Um Maddy?" I asked.

"Yes dad?" she said looking up at me.

I sat down next to her, and held her hand.

"Why didn't you tell me you had a boyfriend, and why didn't you tell me you were going out tonight?"

"Well, I thought you would make me break up with him." she said not looking at me.

"Maddy, honey, you should have told me. I'm not mad or anything, I just don't want you getting hurt."

"Dad, I know Spencer, he would never hurt me. We have been best friends for 2 years, I can trust him. Even if he does break my heart, I'll make sure to whip his ass." she said smiling.

"That's my girl." I said lifting her chin.

I sighed.

"Dad is something else bothering you?"

"Yes honey."

"You can tell me." she said looking into my eyes.

"It's just that my little girl is growing up so fast. I remember bringing you home from the hospital when you were first born, like it was yesterday." I said trying to hold my tears back.

"Dad, no matter what, I'm always gonna be your little girl. No matter how old I am, I'm not gonna love you any less." she said kissing my cheek.

"Thank you sweetheart."


"Oh my gosh, that must be Spencer! How do I look?" she asked nervously.

"Beautiful as always." I said smiling.

She ran to open the door and jumped into Spencer's arms.

"You look absolutely gorgeous Maddy. You ready to go?" He asked setting her down.

"Yup, let's go."

Before they left, I pulled Spencer over to the side.

"You break my little girls heart and I'll break you. Got that." I whispered so Maddy wouldn't hear me.

"Y-yes sir." he said nervously and walked away.

I was about to walk back inside when I felt arms rap around me from behind.

I turned around I saw Maddy hugging me and I hugged back.

"I love you daddy."

"I love you too princess."

"Now go have fun, your dates waiting for you." I chuckled.

She smiled and ran back to Spencer's car. Soon they had drove off.

I had finally realized that my baby girl was all grown up now.


IM OPENING UP REQUESTS!!! So if you want an imagine/preference follow the directions below:

1.) leave your name.

2.) do you want a DDM or a BSM.

3.) the boys name you want and the age you want.

4.) what kind DDM or BSM you want.

I'll try to as many as I can. I'm probably gonna choose 3 people to do request on, just for starters, and since it's my first time really doing requests, I wanna take it a little easy so yeah.

Kk bye.

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