Taylor BSM (Alyssa)

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Taylor (age: 14)

I woke up on an another gloomy Monday morning. Another day at the hell hole (a.k.a school), and another day of non-stop bullying. Yeah my name is Alyssa Caniff, Taylor Caniff 's little sister. He's popular, good looking, and very outgoing. I have no friends, I get used a lot, and I'm very quiet and shy.

I woke up, did my hair and make-up and threw on a grey hoodie, some skinny jeans, and black vans.

I lazily went down stairs and grabbed an apple and headed out of the door.

I arrived at the hell hole, and a couple minutes later Taylor and all his friends pulled up in his corvette.

The bell rang and I headed to my first class which is science.


I sat down at my usual lonely table in the back corner of the cafeteria. I sat alone since I really didn't have any friends.

Then one person had to come and make my day worse...Piper and her slutty friends.

"Hey Alyssa, has Taylor ever talked about me?" she said smirking.

"No, and why would he? Were freshman, he's a senior. Oh and he doesn't like girls who are total sluts." I hissed at her.

"Oh shut up! Your just jealous that I'm better than you in ever single way!" she said grabbing my hair.

We fought, and a crowd soon gathered around. Piper couldn't fight, I dodged every "punch" she through.

My body was pulled off of her and I looked up to see who it was, Taylor.

"What the heck are you doing Alyssa?!" He yelled.

"She started it! She said that she was better than me and grabbed my hair and started "fighting".

"Oh Taylor don't listen to her. She's just being delusional, like always." She said smirking at me.

Taylor backed away and began to talk to the crowd. " Ok everyone listen up, first of all you need to stop bullying my sister and maybe you should try putting some actual clothes on."

Piper's jaw dropped and she stomped away with her annoying heals click-clacking on the floor.

"Now everybody get back to lunch and let's not bring this up for a long time ok?" he continued.

The crowd soon thinned out and it was just me and Taylor.

"Thanks Tay, I really appreciate it." you smiled.

"Welcome sis. I'll see you after school."

We both went our separate ways and finished out the school day.


Again, I woke up on another gloomy Tuesday, but today I felt different. I felt more confident in myself. I feel like nobody will mess with me when Taylor's around. So I throw on:

~some light skinny jeans

~ a Taylor Caniff t-shirt

~ some red vans

I arrived at school and walked in and immediately everyone started laughing at me. I got called my usual names: slut, whore, fat, bitch.

But today, some words were like:

"Oh look who it is. The weakling, she needs her big bro to stick up for her. What a bitch."

"Some loser, I can't believe Taylor and her are related."

I ran to go find Taylor. I was so angry, he made the bullying worse, Thanks a lot.

I saw him standing at his locker with his friends, I pulled him over to the side.

"We need to talk." I hissed.

"Um ok."

"When you were trying to help me yesterday...you made it worse! Yeah I get bullied Taylor. I get called all these names, and I come home crying, do you ever do anything? NO! So thanks a lot for ruining my life!" I yelled and ran away.

Taylor looked shocked.

Taylor's POV:

O.My.Gosh. Alyssa? Bullying? Why?!

I feel like a horrible brother, I did see her come home crying sometimes, but I never figured out what was wrong.

I have to go help my little sister, so I can never see her hurt again.


Here you go Alyssa! I hope you liked it.

I have two Alyssa's to do, so don't worry.


I have a lot of imagines to write that y'all have requested, so I want to have time to write them up and publish them.

Kk bye

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