He Makes You Cry (BSM)

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Carter (age: 5)

You were sitting in your room, on your bed coloring a picture that you were making for your brother Carter.

You were drawing your mom, grandmother, and Carter.

About 10 minutes later, Carter came bursting through your door.

"Y/N what the heck?!? What did you do to my phone?!" he said holding up a cracked phone.

"Carter, I did nothing." you whispered.

"Yes you did! Last night at dinner, I let you play on it! Now I have to get a new one thanks alot." he said raising his voice.

"Carter I really didn't do-" he cut you off.

"Stop denying it y/n! I know you did just tell me already!" he yelled which made you slide backwards a little bit.

He stared at you with an angry look and you soon began to cry.

His facial expression changed and he picked you up and rested you on his hip.

You tried to squirm out of his grip but he held you tight.

"Y/N listen to me, I'm sorry for yelling at you. I just overreacted, please don't cry."

You looked at him with tears stains on your cheeks and said, "But Carter, I really didn't do it."

"It's ok y/n. I'm so sorry, I'll figure out who did it. I love you."

"I love you too cartah".you said kissing his cheek.

He set you down and began to walk at your door.

"Carter wait, I made this for you." you said handing him the picture you were coloring.

"It's beautiful y/n. I'll hang it up in my room and keep it forever."

You smiled and hugged him.

It's our perfect family.

"Yes it is."


Hey everyone! I'm so sorry I haven't updated in a while, I've had a small mind block and I just came up with an idea.

This little imagine I'm not really happy with, but I really wanted to updates you guys with something.

I'll try to update tomorrow or Sunday.

KK bye❤️❤️❤️

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