Being Cheated On (BSM)

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Important A/N Please Read
Hiii everyone! I am so sorry I haven't updated in such a looonnnggg time. I'm not very happy with this chapter, but I really wanted to update for you guys. So I've decided on what my next book is going to be about.

Many of you guys said in the comments that it would be really cool to combine both 5sos and 1D into one book, so that's what I'm going to do! It's going to be so much fun to write, but I just don't know when I'm going to start, but possibly soon.

Kk I love you guys💞

Y/BF/N= Your Boyfriends Name
Y/EBF/N= Your Ex-Boyfriends Name

Taylor (age: 15)

You had an amazing boyfriend, or so you thought you had one, for 6 months. His name was Y/BF/N. He was sweet, funny, and he showed so much affection towards you. But he had a past that you didn't know about. He was known for being a player. He would show "love" towards a girl, sweeten up to her, then trick her into thinking they were actually in love, then just leave her heartbroken.

You were getting ready to go on date with your Y/BF/N in the park and your older brother Taylor would be dropping you off.

You wore a white mini skirt, a floral crop top, and some nice sandals. Your hair was nicely curled, and your make up was perfectly applied. Once you were satisfied with how you looked, you went downstairs and saw your brother waiting at the door.

Taylor didn't particularly like Y/BF/N. He felt that there was something off about him, but you took no part in that. How could he not like such a sweet boy?

"You ready?" He said flatly.

"Yep!" You said cheerfully skipping out the door towards Taylor's car.

-----------AT THE PARK-----------

Once you arrived, you checked how you looked in the rear view car mirror.

"Here I walk you out to the picnic area," he insisted.


You and Taylor were very close as siblings. You two did almost everything together. You two were truly the best of friends.

You two walked out to the picnic area,
"Ok, I'll be back at 4:00 pm to pick you up. So have your phone on, and call me if you need anything," he said.

"Ok gotcha," you said.

You and Taylor were walking away from each other, but you halted to a stop. You couldn't believe what you were looking at.

Your boyfriend was making out with another girl. Your picnic for the two of you was already eaten by the two of them. You stood frozen, you were too shocked to even process what to do next. Tears started to well up in your eyes.

"Oh, one more thing-," Taylor got cut off, also in shock to what he saw.

You turned around and looked into the eyes of your brother. You didn't think, you just ran, ran right past your brother.

"Wait Y/N!" He called out, but you ignored him. Your brother turned around and stomped towards your now ex-boyfriend. He pulled him away from the girl that he was currently making out with, and threw him up against the nearest tree.

"How dare you!" Taylor hissed at him.

"What are you talking about?" The boy said obviously not caring about what was going on.

"HOW DARE YOU CHEAT ON MY SISTER!" Taylor yelled in his face.

"Yo bro, your sister meant nothing to me. She's just another one of those ugly girls who only fall for guys for their dashing looks. Oh and by the way, tell your sister to pop the pimple by her lip, it makes her 10x less attractive." he chuckled in between words.

Taylor's eyes widened,
"Don't you ever say that about my sister! My sister is beautiful in every single way, and if you don't recognize her true beauty, then FUCK YOU!" Taylor punched Y/EBF/N in the nose.

He ran away tripping in almost every step he took. The girl that he was making out with stood frozen, but once Taylor turned around, fists and jaw clenched, and face red, she dashed away.

"Ugh, now to find Y/N." He sighed.

-------BY THE PARK'S LAKE-------

You ran not knowing exactly where you were going, but you ended up by the lake in the park. You and Taylor used to come down by the lake all the time as kids. You would climb on the rocks, sit on the dock and share secrets, or go swimming. You sat on the dock and cried with your face in your hands.

'How could he?'
'I thought he loved me?' You thought.

You cried in silence, until you heard approaching footsteps. You turned and saw your brother running towards you completely out of breath. You looked at him, tear stains on your cheeks, and one tear escaped your eye and down your cheek.

"Y/N are you ok?" He asked sitting down next to you.

"I thought he really loved me..." You whispered.
"I'm so sorry Taylor..."

"Why are you sorry?" He asked.

"You always told me that I should never be involved with him and that he's just gonna break my heart one day, and I always ignored you and called you crazy, were right. I'm so sorry I should have listened to you," you sobbed.

He pulled you into hug and he stroked your hair, just like you two did when you were little, "Y/N its ok. Please don't cry. He didn't deserve you. You are way to beautiful to be with rotten douche bag like him. You're gonna have someone who appreciates your beauty and treats you like a princess, and if I ever need to beat up any of your future boyfriends, just let me know," he said.

You chuckled, "Thanks Taylor, you really are the best brother."

"Anytime sis."

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