Stranger Danger (DDM)

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Hey guys, important A/N at the end please read!
Matt (age: 5)

You were walking in the airport with your dad, Matthew Espinosa. He was going on tour, and he was finally letting you go on one of his tours to see what it was like.

There was a sea of people walking around, and you gripped onto your dads hand tighter so you wouldn't get swept away in the hundreds of people.

"Ok y/n I want you to sit right here. I'm going to go pick up the tickets, and you do not move from this spot. Do you understand me?" Your dad asked squatting down to your level.

"Yes daddy," you smiled.

You watched as your dad walked into the sea of people and disappeared.

You looked around and kicked your feet, patiently waiting for your father do return.

You looked straight forward to see a tall man, standing in front of you. He had a small beard, hug muscles, and a very deep voice.

"Hey kid, where's your parents?" His voiced boomed.

"Well, my daddy is going to get our plane tickets, cause my daddy is famous. His name is Matthew Espinosa, and we're going on tour," you explained.

"Ah, so your his kid?" He asked again.

"Yes," you replied back.

"Well kid, you like candy?" He said with a smirk on his face.

"No, I love candy!" You said with excitement.

"Well here you go," The man said holding a giant chocolate bar in his hand.

Your eyes grew wide and you reached to grab it, and right when you did, he grabbed your hand and ran with you across the airport.

You immediately started crying, "Where are you taking me?!" You asked in fear.

"None of your business, now shut up and keep moving!" He yelled.

"Daddy!" You yelled in tears

Matt's POV

I was walking back to Y/n with the tickets, but when I arrived, she was gone. I looked around in panic, she was no where to be seen. I immediately started searching for her.

I specifically told her not to leave this specific spot, but of course she doesn't listen. She's going to be in big trouble.

I kept walking around, searching for my daughter. She's just so tiny, she can get lost so easily. How am I supposed to find her in this huge crowd? I'm going to find her, I know I am.

I am not leaving this airport until I find my daughter.

"Y/n! Y/n!" I yelled.

"Daddy!" I heard a little cry.

I turned around to see a man, holding y/n's hand, and her crying. How dare he kidnapp my daughter.

I walked over swiftly, anger building up inside of me. This dude is about to get the beating of his life.

Your POV

The mysterious man had thrown you over his shoulder and was walking straight for the exit.

All you wanted was your dad, you wanted him to come save you, all you wanted was him. You started to cry again, throwing huge temper tantrums.
You kicked and punched the man as hard as you could, but since you were only five, and the man had ginormous muscles, your kicks and punches and no affect on him.

You soon quit, but continued to cry.

"Hey you!" A voice said, you looked up and saw your dad.

"Daddy!" You screamed

The man turned around, and saw Matt walking towards him quickly. He turned back around, and began running.

"Daddy help me!" You cried.

Matt soon caught up with the man, and tackled him to the ground. He grabbed you from the mans arms, and set you aside.

"Cover your eyes y/n," he instructed, and you did so.

You peaked through the cracks in your fingers, and saw your dad and the man fighting. For a man so muscular, he could not fight. Matt was now on top of the man, punching his face repeatedly. Soon two security guards pulled him off the man, and in no time, the man was arrested.

"Daddy you saved me."

"No one touches my little girl like that," he said picking you up, holding you in his arms.

You two walked back to your luggage and sat down.

"Daddy, why did that man take me?"

He picked you up, and placed you on his lap.

"I don't know baby, but I do know that it's not ever going to happen again, as long as I'm here, no one is ever going to hurt my little girl." he smiled.

"I love you daddy," you smiled.
"I love you more princess," he kissed your nose, and you laid your head down on his chest. He rapped his arms around you and you soon fell into a deep sleep.



Hey guys, Merry Late Christmas!
Lol, I hope everyone had a great Christmas, cause I sure did.

And then on the 28th, it was my birthday, no joke. Also Nash's birthday too. He's 17 and I'm 14.
He's growing up so fast😭

Well this chapter is very sucky, I know, but I really wanted to have an update for you guys.

I'm running out of ideas, and I was wondering if you guys could give me some ideas to use.

If you have any ideas for me to do, either comment or send me a message, I will give you credit. It's not a personal imagine request, it's just an idea request.

So have any ideas? Just hmu.

Kk well bye!

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