Single Dad (DDM)

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*flashback 3 years ago*

Alexis' POV:

"Your doing very well, Mrs. Dallas I can see the head." The nurse said.


"One more push! Push as hard as you can!"

The sounds of precious baby cries had filled the room and the room drew to a silence.

"Mrs. Alexis Dallas, you have brought a beautiful baby girl into the world. Congratulations." The nurse said.

"Thank you, may I hold her now?" I Asked.

"Yes ma'am, I will go get your husband." The nurse said walking out.

"Hey baby girl, it's mommy here, your absolutely beautiful. I love you, daddy will be here shortly." I said poking her nose.

The door creaked in, and Cameron appeared in the doorway.



"Oh my gosh Alexis, she beautiful! Can I hold her?" He asked.

"Of course, your her father."

"Hey sweetie it's daddy here. Your so beautiful just like your mommy, I love you princess." Cam said kissing her nose.

"So have you decided on her name yet?" He asked.

"I like the name Talia."

"I like the name Rose"

"Talia Rose Dallas. How about that?" I asked.

"I love it." He said kissing my lips.

"Talia Rose Dalla.."

"Alexis? Alexis?! Alexis?!?!" Cameron yelled freaking out.

Cameron's POV:

"Alexis? Alexis?! Alexis?!?" I screamed.

"Nurse! Nurse help me please!?!"

Four nurses burst through the door.

"Sir, what happened?!" They asked.

"My wife! She's not responding to me!" I said crying.

"Ok sir, please calm down, we need you to step out if the room while we run some tests." The lady nurse said.

"Ok, what about my daughter?"

"We will bring her out to you shortly."

"Ok", I said leaving the room with my head down.

*20 minutes later*

I had been sitting in the waiting room, waiting for 20 minutes. I wasn't leaving here without my wife and daughter.

"Mr. Cameron Dallas."

I shot straight out of my chair.


"Well first off, here's your baby girl, congratulations." The nurse said giving Talia to me.

"Yes, thank you, and my wife?"

"I'm so sorry sir, while giving birth to your daughter, she lost a lot of blood, I'm sorry we couldn't save her." she replied.

I was stood frozen and shocked. I couldn't believe it, I had just lost the love of my life. RIP ALEXIS NICOLE DALLAS.

*flashback over*

3 years later...

I was sleeping in my room, when I heard a loud crash come from downstairs. I jumped out of the bed and raced downstairs to see my 3 year old daughter Talia playing in the kitchen.

"Tal, what are you doing?" I asked sleepily.

"Sowy daddy, I need this pot and it fell off the counter." she said crying.

"Talia shh, don't cry, i'm not mad." I said picking her up and rubbing her back.

"Your not?"

"Of course not, it was an accident, but be careful next time ok?" I asked.

"Kk!" She squealed.

"Now go play while I make breakfast."


She ran off to go play in her room.

I made my signature blueberry pancakes with my homemade maple syrup. That was Talia and I's favorite breakfast dish.

"Talia! Breakfast is ready!" I called and she came running down the stairs.

"Yummy! Blueberry pancakes!"

In the middle of eating she held a picture and she asked me, "Daddy who is this?"

"Where did you get that?"

"In your room." She replied.

"Talia, what did I say about you being in my room without permission."

"I saw one of my dolls under your bed, so I went to go get it and I found this picture as well." She said holding the picture up.

"Well, that's mommy." I said trying to hold the tears in.

"Where is she?" Talia asked.

"Well, she's just on a really long vacation." I responded.

"When is she coming back?" She questioned.

"She won't be back for a little while sweetheart." I just couldn't hold the tears back anymore.

I broke down in tears, right in front of my daughter and she looked shock. She ran over to me and hugged and cried with me.

"Daddy please don't cry, you'll see mommy one day." she said quietly with tear stains on her face.

I looked up to her face and kissed her cheek.

"Thank you cupcake, your right, I'll see mommy soon. It's not a goodbye, but a see you later."

"I love you daddy." she said snuggling into my chest.

"I love you too baby." I said rapping my arms around her.

Man, do I love my daughter. <3


I'm not really happy with this chapter, but I just really wanted to update you guys.

I was so mad last night because I had wrote this at 3:00 in the morning and when I went to publish it, it was all gone, so I just re-wrote.

I'll update you guys later, since the chapter is kind if suckish.

Kk bye.

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