Another Boy Gets Touchy (BSM)

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Matt (age: 13)

You and your friends were walking down the boardwalk at the beach to meet up with Matt and the other guys.

You and your friends were minding your own business, and you didn't realize Matt was walking towards you.

"Hey y/n, were gonna go get something to drink. You want anything?" One of your friends ask.

"I'm good, I'll just wait right here." You responded.

They walked to the concession stand and you waited by yourself, and admired the beautiful ocean view.

You noticed in the corner of your eye, a group of boys around the same age as you staring at you and pointing at your body.

Soon one of the boys walked up towards you and tapped on your shoulder.

"Yes, can I help you?"

"Girl you fine, can I get yo number?" he said doing the little eye-brow dance.

"Um no."

He stepped closer and pulled you towards him.

"Get off of me you creep", you said slapping his arm.

"Hey, I ain't gonna do nothing, but maybe we can get out of here and head back to my house." he said looking at you up and down.

Before you could respond the boys body was pulled off of you.

"Hey! What were you doing with her?!"

It was Matt. Thank God.

"And who are you?" he snapped.

"Her brother," he said angry.

"Well ok, I was just gonna take your sis home and hang out, but you may have to come pick her up, because she may not be able to walk for a while." he said glaring at you.

You rolled your eyes.

Matt grabbed his shirt collar and punched him square in the jaw.

"SHE'S NOT GOING ANYWHERE WITH YOU! GET THE FUCK OUT OF HERE!" Matt yelled and the boy ran away clenching his jaw.

With the boys buddies soon chasing him.

"Thanks Matt." You whispered.

"Welcome sis, I'm not letting you go with any perve like that." He said out of breath.

Before we walked away, You gave him a huge hug.

"Thank you Brubber, I love you." You said in a little kid voice

He looked surprised, but soon hugged back.

"Love you too sissy."

You two soon walked back to the rest of the guys with his arm around you

"Did you see where y/n went?" Your friends said not knowing that you walked off with Matt.


This chapter I wasn't so happy with, but I feel like my preferences are getting worse and worse.

Can y'all give me some good ideas please?

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