Your Kid Interupts A Heated Moment (DDM)

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Cameron (age: 4)
Your family had just finished eating dinner and you were now cleaning up the kitchen, while Cameron was putting Y/D/N to bed. You heard some foot steps coming down the stairs and turned around and saw Cameron.

"Man, that kid loves bed time stories." He sighed.

"How many times did she make you read it too her?" You chuckled.

"4 times too many."

He walked over to you and snaked his hands around your hips, "Cam what are you?"

"What? I can't show a little love to wife?" He smirked and began kissing your neck.

"Cam stop I have to finish doing these dishes," you said trying to shrug him off, but he wouldn't budge.

He turned you around to where your faces were inches apart from each other, "Those dishes can wait, I need you now."

Before you could respond, Cameron smashed his lips onto yours, you immediately kissed back. You two continued to make out with each other, "Jump," Cameron whispered in your ear seducingly, and you obeyed.

He carried you up the stairs, and into the bedroom where he immediately took your shirt and off. He begin to trail kisses down your neck leading to your stomach, looking at you with seducing eyes.

As things started to get a bit more heated, you heard a loud scream.

"Did you hear something?" You asked.

"No," he responded continuing to kiss your neck.

"Now I know you had to hear that." You said scurrying out of the bed, throwing your closes back on.

"Hold on Y/D/N I'm coming!" You yelled running to her room.

You opened the door to her room, and saw her sitting up in her bed, clutching her teddy bear, tears stains on her cheeks, and shaking intensely.

"Y/D/N what's wrong honey?" You asked walking over and sitting on her bed.

"Where's daddy? Is daddy ok?!" She asked worriedly.

"Daddy is fine. What's wrong?"

"I had a nightmare that there was a monster who came and took you and daddy. I was crying and screaming for help, but you just ignored me. I thought you didn't love me anymore..." She began to cry again.

You picked her up and placed her in your lap, where she rapped her arms around your neck clutching on to you as if she would never see you again,
"Oh Honey, mommy and daddy will always love you no matter what, and we're not going anywhere anytime soon ok?"

"Ok mommy. Can I go see daddy and just make sure he's ok?"

"Of course you can." You picked her up and walked back to your bedroom.

As soon as you walked in the room with Y/D/N Cameron immediately jolted up out of the bed and rushed to over to you.

"What happened, is she ok?"

"She's fine. She just had a bad nightmare."

"A monster took you and mommy in my nightmare daddy. I was screaming and crying for you to come and help me, but you ignored me, and I thought you stopped loving me," She said whispering the last part.

He took her out or you arms and hugged her tightly as she continued to shake a bit.

"Aw my baby girl," He said sadly.
"Mommy and daddy will always be here for you, so you don't have worry about thing." He said wiping the falling tears on her cheeks.

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