You Get a Bad Grade (DDM)

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Hayes (age: 14)

You were in the 9th grade and you were sort of struggling in school. You studied and payed attention in class, but you just couldn't get the information to stay in your head.

You were in math class, which was the subject that you had the most trouble in, and you had a integer quiz last week and you knew that you weren't going to do good.

Your teacher gave you back your test and you looked at it, you got a 68. You were upset, but you were mostly worried.

How would your dad, the one and only Hayes Grier react? Would he yell? Would he hit you? All these things were running through your mind that you didn't here the bell ring.


You were walking home from school as slow as possible, so you wouldn't have to show your dad the quiz. Then you got a text message...from your DAD.

Dad❤️- Come on home, we need to have a talk.

You didn't reply, but swiftly walked home. Your stomach was tingling and your legs were shaking as you walked. 'What would he do to you?', is what you kept thinking. You approached the front door of your house and took a deep breath before walking in.

"Dad, you home?" you called.

"In the kitchen y/n."

You walked in slowly and saw your dad sitting at the table.

"Come here y/n, were going to have a talk."

You quickly sat down, and noticed that you had goosebumps on your arms. You sat silently waiting for him to talk.

"Ok y/n, so your math teacher called today and told me that you failed your math quiz, is that true?" he asked.

"Yes sir." you said looking down at your shoes beneath the table.

"Well, she's giving you another chance. You can do a make up quiz Thursday afternoon, after school, that sound good? If you fail though, I will take your phone and laptop away for a whole month."he said.

Your face lit up with a smile "Oh yes, that's wonderful! I'm going to go study." you said about to leave the kitchen, but then you stopped.

"Uh dad, do you think you can help me study so U and I can be sure that i'm prepared?"

"Of course honey."

You studied for 3 days with your dad for 2 hours, and by Thursday you were very confident about taking your quiz.

You double checked your answers and fixed the ones that were wrong and turned it into your teacher.

You stood at her desk awkwardly waiting for her to finish grading it.

"Good job y/n." she said handing the quiz back to you.

Your eyes grew wide as you stared at your grade, you got a 104 (+ a bonus).

You ran out the door and into the school parking lot, where you saw your dad waiting in the car.

You hopped in and kissed his cheek.

"So how was the quiz?" he asked.

"Maybe this will answer your question." handing him the quiz.

His eyes grew huge. "OH MY GOSH Y/N, YOU GOT A 104 IM SO PROUD OF YOU!" he said sounding like a girl who just won one direction tickets.

"This is amazing, since you did so good, how about we go out for Chipotle."

"YES BABY!" You yelled and you two both left the school and headed to Chipotle.


Remember This...

*Requests are open*

If you want your own personal imagine then follow the steps below.👇👇👇
(You can comment or DM me to tell me your request)
1.) leave your name and the age you want to be

2.) do you want a DDM or BSM?

3.) Which boy you want (Hayes, Nash, Cameron, Carter, Shawn, Taylor, or Matt)

4.) What type of BSM or DDM you want (the theme)

I will try to do all the requests if there's not to many. If I don't get to yours, I will get to it as soon as I can.

Kk bye

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