The New Baby (DDM)

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Cameron (age: 4)
Y/S/N= Your Sisters Name

{12 months ago...}

"Y/n honey come here for one second please!"

"Coming momma!" You yelled getting up from your spot on the floor, running upstairs.

When you arrived at the top of the stairs you searched each room until you found your parents in their bedroom.

"What is it you wanted to tell me momma?" You asked.

Your parents looked at each other and then spoke, "Honey, we're going to have another baby. You're going to have a little brother or sister."

Your eyes lit up, and you jumped with excitement, "Yay baby! Yay baby!"

----12 months later----

"Daddy!" You called out from your room.

"Yes sweetheart?" He yelled from upstairs.

"It's time for you to come play tea party with me!"

There was no response. You waited for a minute, and then went to go see why your dad didn't respond.

You roamed around in the upstairs rooms, until you found your dad in the nursery with your one year old baby sister. Your mother was back at work, while Cameron was a stay at home father.

He sat in the rocking chair, her cradled in his arms, and him humming to her quietly.


"Honey, I can't play tea party right now."

"But you promised that we would play. I wore my dress and tiara, I even got this tiara for you," you said pulling the princess tiara you had hidden behind your back.

"I'm sorry sweetie, I just can't play right now, maybe a little later ok?"

That's when you lost it, "Daddy I want to play now!"

"Y/n shush the baby is asleep," he said in a much quieter tone.

"I want to play now!!" You screamed which woke the baby up. She began to cry very loudly and your father Cameron could not get her to stop.

He stood up, grabbed your hand, and walked you to your room, "Are we playing tea party now?" You said with hope.

"No, your getting a time out y/n. 4 minutes you will sit here and think about what you did. No playing with your toys until I come back, understand?"

"I understand," you pouted and sat in the chair that faced towards the corner.

By the time that Cameron came back, your baby sister had gone back to sleep.

"Ok y/n, did we think about what we did?" He bent down to your height.


"Now are we going to throw tantrums like that, epically when your sister is asleep?"


"Ok good, now you can go play with your toys now," he said, and with that you ran off.

You were getting bored playing with your toys downstairs, so you decided to go see if your dad could play tea party with you now.

You ran upstairs to your room, put on your princess dress and tiara, and went to go find your dad. You searched each room until you found him in the nursery...playing tea party with your sister.
You stood in the doorway and watched for a minute before you entered the room.

"Daddy," you said.

"Oh hi y/n"

"Daddy I thought we were going to play
tea party?"

"Y/n, I said we would play later. I'm playing with y/s/n right now, go play something else."

"You never play with me anymore! Ever since that dumb baby came along you never have time for me! Now I see, you don't love me anymore!" You ran out of the nursery, and into your room.

Cameron's POV:
I was playing tea party with y/s/n and to be honest, I was having fun. Seeing my baby girl happy and smiling, even though her nap was cut off buy y/n's temper tantrum.

"Daddy," I heard a small voice say.

"Oh hi y/n."

"Daddy I thought we were going to playing tea party?" She said.

Oh shoot, I completely forgot.

"Y/n, I said we would play later. I'm playing with y/s/n right now, go play something else."

I looked up at her, her lip quivering, and tears on the verge of spilling,
"You never play with me anymore! Ever since that dumb baby came along, you never have time for me! Now I see, you don't love me anymore!" She yelled, tears pouring down her face.

Before I could even say anything, she ran out. Now I felt bad, I made my little girl cry. I don't blame her, she's been asking me to play with her since last week, and I've just been putting off to the side because I've been playing with y/s/n. I guess I just got caught up in the moment. Y/s/n reminds me so much of y/n when she was her age, and I just missed how it was like raising y/n that way.

I put y/s/n in her crib, and I went off to find y/n.

I approached her closed bedroom door, and listened for a second, the sound of quiet sobs was heard through the door. I quickly opened the door to see y/n sitting on her bed with red puffy eyes, tears running down her face, and tear stains on her bed sheets.

I walked over and sat on her bed next to her,
"Y/n honey are you ok?"

She didn't respond.

"Y/n please talk to me."

She looked up at me, and my heart instantly broke. My baby girl was crying because of me, I'm and awful father.

"Y/n, I am so sorry. I didn't mean to push you off to the side, I just missed the times when you were that young. You were exactly like y/s/n, and I just want to her to be a happy and beautiful little girl just like you. Will you please forgive daddy?" I said starting to tear up.

She looked up at me and scooted over into my lap,
"Daddy, I forgive you, but I just missed you. Do you still love me?"

"Of course baby, daddy will always love you, with all of his heart."

Her tiara was slightly falling off her head, "Keep your head up princess, your tiara is falling," I said lifting her chin up.

"Now let me see that beautiful smile."

A smiled started to appear on her face, but then the tickle monster came out.

"Where's that smile? Where's that smile?" I said tickling her.

"Daddy stop!" She giggled.

"Now come on, let's go play tea party," I placed her on my hip.

"Can we play with y/s/n?" She asked.

"Why not?"

And with that, we played tea party for the rest of the day.


hello lovelies!
I am so sorry that I haven't updated in such a long time! Like a month or so with no update, I'm so sorry😭.

Well I'm sorry this chapter was very sucky, but I just really wanted to have an update for you guys.

I love you guys❤️

Kk bye!

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